Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with watching a video on the “Group of 7,” a group of Canadian artists from the 1900s. We have some copies of their artwork in our classroom as well. Then, we finished off our “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” Math review game. Students did quite well on this. I have attached the PowerPoint here if students want to try it out at home. They just need to play it in Slideshow mode.

Unit 2- Whole Numbers & Place Value Millionaire Game

After, I had students write down all of the topics that will be covered on the Math Test, so they know exactly what to study. Then, students began to work on the “Show What You Know” in order to practice in advance for our Unit 2 Test on Thursday. They will have more time to work on these questions tomorrow, so this is not homework.

Following snack and recess, I went over the reading assessment we were going to complete in the Afternoon so students would be set up for success later on in the day.

Then, Scott came in and talked to the kids more about what behaviours/feelings they want/don’t want to see/feel at school. It was a great discussion with the kids.

After lunch, we worked on our Reading Comprehension Assessment. This will allow me to get a better sense of how much the kids understand from a Grade 4 level text. It also shows me what reading comprehension strategies we need to work on in depth.

At the end of the day, we did planners, cleaned up, and students went to Music. I pulled students one-by-one for oral reading assessments.

Reminder: shoeboxes are due tomorrow!


Ms. Wilks

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