Tuesday, November 9th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off collecting all of the Autobiography Good Copies. I am happy to report that most students handed this in. If your child has not, please encourage them to finish it as soon as possible. Then, we continued with Math. We worked on Estimating Differences. To do this, we rounded our numbers to the nearest ten or hundred and then subtracted. This allowed us to make friendly numbers to make snack the subtraction process easier. Math homework if not done is: Unit 2, Lesson 8: pages 60-61 #1-6, 8-12.

Following this, we had Library and then recess. Students ate snack after recess and I took this time while they were eating to share with them some seasonal poems from a Group of 7 Poetry book. It was neat to show students the paintings that matched the poems. I also showed students copies I got from the District Resource Centre of Group of Seven pieces of artwork that are now displayed in our classroom. This will tie in perfectly with our upcoming unit in Science: Biomes. I had students guess which season the poem was about just by using the descriptive words as clues. Then, Scott came in for a lesson about how to create a positive classroom and school environment with good relationships. We talked about what students can do to promote their most important values: creativity, happiness, respect, inclusion, and safety.

After lunch, we worked on Editing Paragraphs with a checklist. Students had to be “the teacher” and check off and correct example students’ pieces of work and make it better. Students did a great job reflecting on the journal entries and I hope they will apply these skills when they edit their own weekend journals every week.

Following this, we wrote our planners, cleaned up, had DPA, and then students went to Music.

Reminders: Poppy group artwork and the Values sheet & reflection (from the Simon James Presentation) is due tomorrow.

Have a great night!


Ms. Wilks

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