Monday, November 8th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with collecting students’ good copy of their Social Studies reports and weekend journals. I am still missing some students’ projects. They are expected to bring them in as soon as possible. Then, students worked on their group poppy artwork! They did a wonderful job.

After, we had snack and a desk check. After recess, students had time to work on their timeline, which is due on Monday of next week. Following that, students worked on their Social Studies shoeboxes for their first in-class work period. They will get three in total.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations and then had DPA, planners, and clean up. The very end of our day was starting our basketball unit. We did some dribbling drills and talked about how to control the ball and make it harder for others to steal. We also did an obstacle course for dribbling and practiced chest passing today.

Tomorrow will be library this week because there is no school on Thursday.

Due Dates:

-Autobiography good copy is due tomorrow

-Values reflection and sheet is due on Wednesday

-Poppy group artwork is due on Wednesday

-Spelling Test is Friday

-Timeline is due on Monday, November 15th

It sounds like a lot, but students have had quite a bit of in-class time to work on these assignments.

Have a good night!

Ms. Wilks

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