Thursday, October 8th, 2020

This morning, I started off by showing a cool exhibit that is taking place in Toronto right now. It is called the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit. I showed students at 360 degree view video of the exhibit. It is quite cool and it matches perfectly what we read about and are painting right now in Art. Click if you would like to check it out: CLICK HERE

Then, we started our new Math unit of whole numbers. I first challenged the kids to draw with base ten blocks what 10 000 units would look like. This stumped them a bit and was a neat activity to do to introduce thinking of modelling large numbers. The students worked on Lesson 1 in their Math textbooks:

Grade 4: page 36-37 #1, 3-8, 14, & 15

Grade 5: page 38 #2-8

If it is not done, it is homework due tomorrow.

After that, we had indoor DPA (just in case we were called down for photos) and then Ms. Parke came to do some activities with the students outside. Right before Ms. Parke came, we did some silly Mad Libs stories in order to practice using and differentiating between different types of words: adverbs, verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc.

Then, students worked on their projects for Social Studies on the computers again. I am happy to see their hard work doing all of their research.

After lunch, we reviewed numbers 1-10 in French and practiced counting in our groups. We also watched a video to review the French months, but ran out of time because we were called down for photos.

At the end of the day, we had library and Ms. Z read them a book and they were allowed to take out 2 books if they returned their books. Sorry that I didn’t remind. Next week, we have library  on Wednesday in case I forget to remind the kids again – it might change from week to week.

The spelling test is also next Thursday, October 15th.

Have a good day 🙂


Ms. Wilks


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