Summer Where Am I? ~ 3

Click on the WHERE AM I? tab above to see the questions and submit your guesses!

The inspiration for our 3rd clue comes from some sunny morning fun we had with one of Kennedy’s best friends, Anderson.

Good luck with this week’s question!

Summer Where Am I? ~ 2

Still waiting for our 1st Where Am I? winner of the summer! Check out the WHERE AM I? page to see the questions and submit your guesses!
The inspiration for our 2nd clue comes from a wonderful time Kennedy and I had with our friends who were visiting from Redmond, Washington. 

Good luck with this week’s question!

Where Am I? is baaaaaaaaaack!

Happy July Nelsonites!
Where Am I? is back for the summer!

The inspiration for our 1st clue comes from time Kennedy and I spent camping with our friends this week. Our 1st question of the summer is waiting to be answered in Where Am I?! Click on the WHERE AM I? tab above to submit your guess!

Good luck with this week’s question! Prizes can be collected during the 1st week back at school!

Z is for ZOOM out of school & ZIP into summer!

~ One last hour together as 2018/19’s Division 8 Grade 3s – marked our last day together this school year before ZOOMING out of Nelson & ZIPPING into summer! We signed and commented in each others yearbooks, took photos for an upcoming When I Grow Up… post and Ms. Watt shared one of her very favourite Dr. Seuss books, Oh, the Places You’ll Go.
Love you Division 8, have a TON of fun this summer and I can’t wait to see you all in September!
t4511Ms. Watt

Y is for YIPPEEE!!! …

…It’s the Last Day of School!

We started our day with sharing our wonderful Social Studies and Science posters and then celebrated with YIPPEE, it’s YEAR END free time with games and lots of Timbits and snacks!
In the afternoon, Mr. Morrison and Mr. Ng led a wonderful Graduation Ceremony. I was so proud to present 5 past students with citizenship awards and I hope to be presenting one to you in 4 years! What a great way to mark our last day full together for the 2018-19 school year.
Click clicking-your-heels-smiley-emoticonto see our fabulous work!

Readers Are Leaders

Every year we celebrate students who achieve 200 nights of Bookbeast Reading. In recent years Mrs. Roberts has introduced a new 250 nights level and it takes a special student with great dedication and responsibility to achieve this. What an awesome accomplishment. Way to go Division 8 250 Night Readers! I’m so proud of you!

X is for (e)XPLOSIONS

 ~ Who doesn’t love eXPLOSIONS!?
We unfortunetly didn’t have time to watch v11242hwigy, but click on the picture to watch & learn more about volcanic eXPLOSIONS!
We eXPERIMENTED with our own mini volcanoes & watched what happens when you combine mentos & diet Coke!

Click bth_volcano1trto see our fun!

Bookbeast Success!!


I’m so proud of our 100% 50 Nights participation! An extra congrats to our 200 Nights readers: Shimer, Kaitlyn, Alex, Marcus, Crystal, Akash, Luke, Maya and Mariah!
That takes a lot of commitment & shows a lot of responsibility!
WAY TO GO GRADE 3s!!!congratulationss

Reading in the Park

We celebrated the end of the school year with our last Literacy Celebration, Reading in the Park. All of Nelson walked over to Secret Park after lunch with our blankets and books and we enjoyed our stories in the sunshine.
Click on LITERACY CELEBRATIONS above to see the pics!


We joined forces with Division 7 today and competed in a friendly WATER BALLOON drop competition! After choosing our material from a small collection of shoe boxes, cardboard, toilet paper rolls, paper towel, popsicle sticks and paper plates, we worked in groups of 2 or 3 to design a contraption to protect the water balloon!
It was SO exciting to be on the ground and see the creativity and success of your contraptions! 
Click to see our fun!