Join me in reading “It’s Pumpkin Time!” and find out how pumpkins grow from seeds. CLICK HERE to read this book  written by Zoe Hall, illustrated by Shari Halpern and published by Scholastic.

Here is a picture from that book that shows how pumpkins start to grow in the ground before we can see the shoots. What a natural miracle!

How pumpkin seeds grow underground (from: It’s Pumpkin Time book)


In our StrongStart we usually carve pumpkins before Halloween to turn into Jack-o-Lanterns. If you carve a pumpkin at home this year, feel free to share a picture with me.

Don’t waste the seeds from inside the pumpkin. They make a tasty and healthy snack for adults and older children (for younger children you will need to open the seeds for them). Perhaps you can save some seeds to plant them to grow your own pumpkin. I wonder how big it will grow?

How to roast pumpkin seeds:

  • Remove the seeds by using a large spoon to remove the pulp, stringy fibers and raw seeds.

  • Wash seeds in a colander and remove as much of the fiber as you can.

  • Dry seeds with a paper towel. It will help them be crispy when you roast them.

  • Season the seeds with olive oil (regular cooking oil is good too) and salt. To your taste, you can add: garlic powder, paprika and black pepper. Roast at 350 F until crispy and changed colour to your liking.

  • Enjoy!