Until further notice this site will not be updated, since all the materials found here can now be accessed on our Office 365 Teams and it is unsustainable maintaining duplicate sites (Teams & this Site).  Please log into Teams to access all class files & documents, in addition to due dates for assignments, test dates and reminders.

Thank you

Mr. Taylor

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Welcome to Mr. Taylor’s class website.  This site includes course outlines, a list of all assigned work (updated daily), due dates, test dates and links to Dropbox where copies of all handouts, including notes, can be accessed in PDF form.

***Both students and parents should refer to the two documents below, to make sure they understand how work habits will be assessed and what the RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES of parents, students and teachers are.***

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Science Student Work Habits

Science Work Habit Rubric


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Student/Parent Rights & Responsibilities

Student/Parent Rights & Responsibilities

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