Raz Kids Journal and Recording How To

Go to the first story you read!

You can see the highlighted orange box that has the microphone on it. Click on this button and the recording features will open up. Choose your favourite page and record yourself reading it.  You can press the green button with the play arrow on it to listen to yourself



I see that many students have listened to the stories, but not read them.  I also see that students are listening to the story, but not clicking on the question mark when you have finished to answer the questions.  Please listen, read and then do the questions at the end of each story.  If you are getting many answers wrong, please reread the story.  Every week we will only do two stories  AND the activities with each story.


The last button to the right of the microphone button is the journal page.  If you click to open that you will see a word page and a reflection page.  Click on the reflection page, and write anything you would like about the story you have read.   Did you like it?  Why did you like it?  Why didn’t you like it?  Did you learn something?  Is there something you would like to find out after reading this book?  These are all ideas for you



Learning Opportunities for April 14-17

Hello Again!!!   What a day of learning yesterday was for me today.  Thank you for all your patience as I stumble pushing myself into new areas of technology.  I apologize again for the confusion with the teacher ID in Raz-Kids.
The screenshot on the left is an overview of the learning opportunities for this week.  I am still working on the hyperlinks.  The one for music works, but the others don’t want to. The ones you need for today are listed on the left hand side. For the Socials activity, print off the template and fill it out.

Learning Opportunities – April 14-17 

Wednesday’s Links
Mousy Mess Geometry story and quiz
All About Me 

I haven’t forgotten about making a photo gallery, that unfortunately got moved to tomorrow’s list.  I am working with Microsoft as I want us all to get used to that platform this week.

Thank  you for your understanding and all that you do

Mrs. Schwarz

Happy Long Weekend Everyone!

Here are a couple of stories, a fast math subitizing game and a silly rock song.  I’m so glad Premier Horgan made the Easter Bunny an essential service!!!
I hope you enjoy them.  Next week I will be rolling out our home reading program, we will be making our first blog post and logging onto Microsoft Office as well as other activities.  I wish you all a wonderful long weekend.  Enjoy the sunny weather, look for signs of spring, and of course be a good team member with your family!!!

See you Tuesday
PS:  If you can take a picture of the chick you made, email it to me and I will make a slideshow of them for our class blog

Pete the Cat Easter Adventure
The Good Egg
Easter Subitizing  FAST!!!
Silly Rock Songs


Happy Birthday!!!!

A big shout out to Kiera who celebrated her birthday on Tuesday and one to Elliana who is celebrating today.  We send you virtual Birthday hugs and wish you the best of days.  Remember that on this birthday the sun came out to say hello and the super moon lit up your dreams.

If you would like to wish them happy birthday go the end of this post and say it in a comment.

It’s working!!!

Okay everybody.  Make sure you are not trying to log in where my posts are.  Make sure you click on the blogfolio tab at the top of the page and then find your name and click on it.  I have put information on that blogfolio page to help you.

Mrs. Schwarz

Problems with Blogfolio Logins

It looks like there is a problem with logging onto the blogfolios.  This is something set up at the district.  I will contact them to get the problem fixed.  In the meanwhile, please go to Code and start with the

UNPLUGGED activities.  Some of you “beat me to the punch” yesterday.  It is important you do these lessons in order as I have assigned them to you individually.  Make sure you have read my Wednesday, April 8th blog first about digital citizenship.

Thank you

Mrs. Schwarz

Monday April 6

Hello Everyone!!!  I hope you had a great weekend and got outside to enjoy the lovely sunshine, I did.  Today I have two places for you to go!  First you are going to hear a story read to you by an astronaut from the space station.  It is called Rosie Revere, Engineer.  The next place you need to find on my Symbaloo.  It’s called Dance Mat Typing.  This has a lot of crazy animals helping you to learn how to type the correct way.  Learning to type is very important and we will have other typing programs for you to use, but for today check out Dance Mat Typing on my symbaloo.  Today teachers are meeting again, keeping checking my blog for updates.  Feel free to go back to my posts from last week and use any of the links I posted there………..like subitizing.

Astronauts Reading from Space

Friday, April 3

Here we are at the end of our first week back at school.  I have now talked to everyone in our class except for one, and I will be continuing to try and contact you throughout the weekend.  Please check my blog everyday for places to go and updates.  In my conversations with you I have asked that you keep a journal during this time “when the whole world stayed at home.”  Remember it does not need to be a long journal, just a few sentences of what you did, how you learned at home on that day, and most importantly, how you are feeling.  I will be asking to see a page from this, so for the time being this is a way that I know everyone is getting some writing practice in each day.  Please continue to check my blog Monday-Friday as this is where I will be updated families on how we are doing.  I understand that you have done some yoga at school.  I do yoga also.  I have put a link to “cosmic yoga” Squishy the Fish.  It will give the opportunity to do some good body movements and hear a story at the same time.  Have a wonderful weekend.  Be a good team member with your family and I will be back on Monday.


Mrs Schwarz
Cosmic Yoga – Squish the Fish

Tuesday – March 31

Hello Everyone
I am sorry this post is coming later today, but I have been exploring learning sites all day.  It’s a bit like falling down the rabbit hole.  If you look at the right hand side of my blog you will see a widget that is called Links.  There you will see two links, one from the district that gives you activities to do, and a digital bookmark chart that I have been creating called Mrs. Schwarz’ Symbaloo.  Please feel free to click away on each bookmark to find learning activities you can do.  I will be constantly adding and updating this space.  Tomorrow I will be having a virtual meeting with the Buckingham teachers and on Thursday and Friday I will be contacting you personally to see how you are and ask you a few questions to help me in my planning.

Talk to you soon
Mrs. Schwarz

Til the Virus Ends

Wash Your Hands Song