Thursday – April 30th.

Happy Thursday everyone!!  I am looking forward to seeing your Coding progress and hearing your recording and reading your writing in Raz Kids.  Everyone should have completed that yesterday!!
Science:  Watch the video on Invisible Energy.  After watching check out the science assignment.  I’m looking forward to the pictures.
Invisible Energy
Spelling:  Make sure you have printed out all the worksheets and completed them for tomorrow’s grade meeting.
Typing:  Keeping practicing your typing, you know you can do this everyday if you like.  Practice makes perfect.
PE:  Mozart’s Rondo for the French Horn is one of my favourite pieces of music.  Did you know he was giving concerts to kings and queens when he was only 5!!!  Above is a picture of Mozart when he was 5 yrs old.  Enjoy dancing

Wednesday – April

Welcome Wednesday!!
Today for our read a loud, we are going to put our response in a new place.  Today we are going to go to Teams, and in the tab where we see Posts, we are going to look for Class Notebook, open that tab, open our name, and then click on the Journal tab.  There you will put your response.  It will be an online writing book where we can keep our writings, and I can comment on them.
See the link below for directions on how to find it.
How to Access Class Notebook in Teams

I will be checking to see how your moving along in coding.  Remember, you must complete the lesson before you move on. I will not move you up a level unless you have finished all the lessons of the level you are on.
Did you like, Banana, Banana, Meatballs – yesterday”s movement video?  I am going to post that question under general. Let me know if you liked it by replying to my question.  Remember don’t start a new chat, just reply?
See you at the Read a loud 10:30am

Tuesday, April 28th

Welcome back I hope you enjoyed your long weekend.  We’ve got another great weekend ahead of us.  Today we have a grade 3 meeting at 9:30, our read a loud at 10:30 and a grade 2 meeting at 11:30.  For the grade meetings be sure you have printed off your spelling sheets from Files in you grade level channel

Opportunities for Learning – April 27 – May 1

Today Math is in Teams under assignments, I have an assignment for grade 2 and an assignment for gr. 3  Last weeks assignments have been removed.
PE:  Banana Banana Meatballs

See you at our meetings!!



Friday – April 24th

Wow, the end of another week.  I am absolutely AMAZED at how far team Div. 8 has come since the start of the term.  Students, parents and teacher have learned and developed their skills way beyond math and reading.  You are going to be so ahead of the game it when it comes to using computers as a tool!!
Today we have a relaxing day.
Tumble Books:  read any book you’d like, the link is under Bookmarks on my webpage
Math:  two videos to watch in Teams under Assignments in General
Choices:  anyplace you would like on my Symbaloo
Art:  Enjoy the video that teaches you how to draw puppy stacks  Here’s the link just in case

Have a great long weekend everyone, you deserve it!!!

PS:  Remember Monday, April 27th is a Professional Day

Thursday – April 23rd

Happy Thursday everyone!!!  I hope you have all printed out your spelling worksheets from your grade channel under files and are working on them.  Tomorrow in our grade meetings (Grade 2 at 11am and Grade 3 and 10am) we will go over the answers and I will quiz you on your words, so be sure you are practicing them.
Typing:  last night I emailed you your password.  Please print and save.  You can find the typing link on my blog under bookmarks, it is right under Raz Kids.  This will be our official class typing program, and when I ask you to type you will work on that program.
Math:  the assignment is posted on Teams in General under assignments
Blogfolio: make a post to your blog about your Nature Loom you made last Friday.  Tell me what you liked doing, and what your favourite part of the loom is.  Tell me where you found your materials.  If you were to do this again what would you do next time?  Take a picture of your loom and upload it to your blog.  The directions are on the blogfolio page above your names

Have a great day everyone!!!

Wednesday, April 22

Good morning Everyone.  What a great job we have been doing in our team chats and completing and handing in  work.
Raz kids, please see the sticky note I left on one of the books you are reading.  You should be starting a new book today.  All you do with that book is listen to it, read it, answer the questions.  You should not be reading more than one book every two days.  So you start one book on Monday, and another one on Wednesday
Print off the sheets under your team grade channel in FILES.  Use only your spelling words to complete the story.  There are two pages to the story
You will find the How I’m feeling worksheet in GENERAL under Assignments
Math:  Have fun Coding – be sure to finish the lesson completely before going on, I see that many of you have jumped all over the place

See you at our Read a loud today, at 10:30

Easter Chicks

I know I am missing one person’s picture.  If you don’t see yours here, please email it to me and I will add it.
Bravo for following the directions and completing the project, they are all lovely