Thursday – April 23rd

Happy Thursday everyone!!!  I hope you have all printed out your spelling worksheets from your grade channel under files and are working on them.  Tomorrow in our grade meetings (Grade 2 at 11am and Grade 3 and 10am) we will go over the answers and I will quiz you on your words, so be sure you are practicing them.
Typing:  last night I emailed you your password.  Please print and save.  You can find the typing link on my blog under bookmarks, it is right under Raz Kids.  This will be our official class typing program, and when I ask you to type you will work on that program.
Math:  the assignment is posted on Teams in General under assignments
Blogfolio: make a post to your blog about your Nature Loom you made last Friday.  Tell me what you liked doing, and what your favourite part of the loom is.  Tell me where you found your materials.  If you were to do this again what would you do next time?  Take a picture of your loom and upload it to your blog.  The directions are on the blogfolio page above your names

Have a great day everyone!!!

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