Learning Opportunities for April 14-17

Hello Again!!!   What a day of learning yesterday was for me today.  Thank you for all your patience as I stumble pushing myself into new areas of technology.  I apologize again for the confusion with the teacher ID in Raz-Kids.
The screenshot on the left is an overview of the learning opportunities for this week.  I am still working on the hyperlinks.  The one for music works, but the others don’t want to. The ones you need for today are listed on the left hand side. For the Socials activity, print off the template and fill it out.

Learning Opportunities – April 14-17 

Wednesday’s Links
Mousy Mess Geometry story and quiz
All About Me 

I haven’t forgotten about making a photo gallery, that unfortunately got moved to tomorrow’s list.  I am working with Microsoft as I want us all to get used to that platform this week.

Thank  you for your understanding and all that you do

Mrs. Schwarz

6 thoughts on “Learning Opportunities for April 14-17

  1. Hi Ms. Schwarz,
    Thank you for your listings of this week.
    I am trying to do Raz Kids reading, recording, and reflection. Can I choose any book from the level books?
    My second question was that I was writing Ms. Viekles assignment from her blog?
    My last question was that I could not find mousy mess geometry story from tumble math website. I am trying to go to the link that you listed above send me to the tumble math website.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Chloe H. The link to Mouse Mess is not working, I will have to ask Ms. Carson what the problem is. It worked yesterday. It is always a good idea to start with the first story in any program

  2. Hi ms. Schwarz,
    the link of the Mousy Mess seems to be working for me, however it goes to thumbmath page which requires some Login. it shows up many books but non of them are clickable. Am I missing some account to setup?
    And as a suggestion, once you create some file in doc, can you deliver as PDF? In the Save options, should have for PDF. With that the file will be closed for changes and will be easier for view in any device.

    1. I am working on converting my files to editable ones. I will take your advice and save things as PDF files. The link is from the library and this is program that they use. I found that it works sporadically. It should take you directly to the book and not to the log on page. I have contacted the librarian and will update everyone if it can be worked out. This seems to be a consistent problem when trying to use library programs
      Thank you for your understanding

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