Friday – April 24th

Wow, the end of another week.  I am absolutely AMAZED at how far team Div. 8 has come since the start of the term.  Students, parents and teacher have learned and developed their skills way beyond math and reading.  You are going to be so ahead of the game it when it comes to using computers as a tool!!
Today we have a relaxing day.
Tumble Books:  read any book you’d like, the link is under Bookmarks on my webpage
Math:  two videos to watch in Teams under Assignments in General
Choices:  anyplace you would like on my Symbaloo
Art:  Enjoy the video that teaches you how to draw puppy stacks  Here’s the link just in case

Have a great long weekend everyone, you deserve it!!!

PS:  Remember Monday, April 27th is a Professional Day

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