Tuesday – March 31

Hello Everyone
I am sorry this post is coming later today, but I have been exploring learning sites all day.  It’s a bit like falling down the rabbit hole.  If you look at the right hand side of my blog you will see a widget that is called Links.  There you will see two links, one from the district that gives you activities to do, and a digital bookmark chart that I have been creating called Mrs. Schwarz’ Symbaloo.  Please feel free to click away on each bookmark to find learning activities you can do.  I will be constantly adding and updating this space.  Tomorrow I will be having a virtual meeting with the Buckingham teachers and on Thursday and Friday I will be contacting you personally to see how you are and ask you a few questions to help me in my planning.

Talk to you soon
Mrs. Schwarz

Til the Virus Ends

Wash Your Hands Song

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