Hello Division 8

Hello Division 8!!!!  I hope you and your families are well.  These are very different and unsettling times, but I know we can get through this if we all stick together!!!  I am so very happy that I was able to meet you all before spring break and you were able to meet me.  I want you to know that I am busy thinking about ways we can continue to learn together as we maintain our health and safety through physical distancing.  I already have one activity I am excited to share with you as soon as I can.  During this week I will be talking with my colleagues and receiving direction from the district as to what learning is going to look like for Division 8.  Rest assured, we will be learning.  I will be contacting you all directly, either through email or a phone call so that we can reconnect.
In the meantime, stay safe, wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your elbows and practice social distancing.  We’ve got this!!!

Mrs. Schwarz

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