
The decorative skull provides stability for a natural structure: a robin’s nest.

  • When I first noticed the skull with a mossy hat, I was curious and I got close enough to see 3 blue eggs inside. Now I make daily observations, waiting for the eggs to hatch. Birds are excellent builders. Have you ever found a natural structure?
  • Looking forward to rapping with you today at 10:30 or 1:30 please bring have paper and pencil ready for writing down some ideas. 


  • Kiev

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last year I found a robin’s nest under our neighbours deck. When I was walking by I saw a mother robin feeding her 3 hatchlings. The nest is still there but no birds use it.

  • Kenzi

    I was on my back deck with my dad and we found a birds nest with three blue robin eggs in it on our outdoor light and every day we checked on it until one day they disappeared and we hope they hatched and flew away and didn’t get eaten. . .

  • ELI

    I’ve seen a lot of natural structures including a beaver dam, ant hill, bird’s nest and a wasp’s nest.

  • Katherine

    Yes,I have seen a bird’s nest, honeycomb and a wasp nest before. The bird nest had fallen from a tree on the ground. It was made of twigs, mud, grass and even strings. The honeycomb was a piece of a beehive. The wasp nest was close to my home high up in a tree.

  • Priya

    I saw a natural structure on my porch and it was a wasps nest and it was the first time we saw it. It was a new wasps nest. I also saw a old beehive. I know that the function of the wasps nest is to be it’s home and for the bees to make honey. I also remember when we first came in to the class you had a table that had a beehive.

  • Amira

    fastened, natural structure, observation.

    My observation is that the skull was fastened to the wall. And the birds naturally made the nest on their own.

    (This is the second time this was posted – seems it did not save the first time.)

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