
How can you be kind to the Earth?

Each year in Division 6 we take time on Earth Day to answer this question. And I look forward to all the answers this year too.

Please check for small group Meetings  today and join the group you are placed in by the teacher. Feel free to call or email if you are having difficulty seeing those in Office 365. 


Continue with Prodigy Math, Time Capsules, and begin to create your Shapville. Remember to get some exercise and enjoy the fresh clean air  today if you can 🌎🌏🌍 Happy Earth Day!



    • taylorgibbsl

      Zoe, it is important to only take what we need when it comes to food and water — trying to think about how much we really need is helpful, and it builds awareness.

  • Katherine

    We can be kind to the Earth by using reusable bags and bottles. Pick up litter and put it in the trash. We have to take care of the Earth.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Katherine, you are very kind and caring. I notice that you provide easy ways to help. I think people need to remember to use their own bags, or to take their personal mugs to the coffee shops. It is a matter of caring enough to change a behaviour. Reusable containers are a very important part of the solution.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Ashley, I notice that you include the humans and refer to behaviours like showing kindness to each other and loving the plants. This makes me feel hopeful.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Jazmyn, I believe that recycling plastic is one of the most important issues because of the damage that it does to the ocean. I enjoy finding ways to re-purpose plastic and try to keep it out of the ocean as much as possible.

  • Priya

    I can be kind to the Earth by making it so that recycling is in the right place. I can also help by not littering and putting it in the right place too. I love Earth. We also want to keep the plants safe so then people are safe.

    Happy Earth Day!

    • taylorgibbsl

      Priya, you are kind and I think you are correct that we need to find places to sort and re-use all the stuff that we call litter. I love the Earth too and we all need healthy plants. I enjoyed Earth Day, thank you and I hope you did too.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Agreed! Kiev you seem sure about the need for people to stop polluting, and I think that many people are beginning to think about re-using things . I am reading a book called, Rethinking materials for a sustainable future and it keeps me hopeful.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Amira, I think you are noticing how all the parts of ecosystems work together. You are thinking like an ecologist and that is important.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Neema I like how you focus on actions that we can do. There are so many ways to recycle and maybe people will have time to think about that these days. I really like your idea about planting more trees, and there are some real heroes on this planet who replace trees to areas that need them. Trees are incredible.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Oliver, you have stated one of the easiest ways to make a difference and I appreciate the simplicity of your idea.

  • ELI

    I can be kind to the earth by using less energy. I can walk to school instead of driving. I can hang my clothes to dry. I can wash my car on gravel instead of on the road because then the soap goes down the drain and pollutes the river.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Eli, your examples of using less energy connect with what we are learning about and simply hanging clothes versus using a dryer is possible. Also you include a way to keep our streams healthy too. Thank you for illustrating a kind action that goes a long way for the species who live in the water. Very thoughtful.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Jiwon, your idea of reducing the number of cars to transport people is great. You offer a kind way to solve our problem with air pollution.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Oscar, I agree that it would be an act of kindness to rethink how each of us uses plastic bags. I don’t think the Earth needs as many plastic bags as it currently has and perhaps we could change that.

  • kenzi

    We can save Earth by using reuseble containers instead of one time use plastic wrappers. We can also help by not cutting down trees.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Kenzi, thank you for bringing up the notion of saving the Earth because that is what will happen if we can change some behaviours. It is a kind action when we refuse to use single use plastics and choose reusable containers and mugs instead. I also agree that we need to be aware of the importance of forests and not to cut down trees as much as we do.

    • taylorgibbsl

      Yes, Jeonghan! I appreciate that you give some examples of what to do to be kind to the Earth. Planting trees is a great way to repair many parts of the Earth. I really like the way you are thinking about waste as something to re-use. Thank you.

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