Hi Families,

I hope you are all well and staying safe. It is so hard to believe that it is already the end of May. I am excited to have many of you return to the classroom next week. Here are a few reminders:

  1. Supplies: Your child will need to bring a backpack with a large, labelled Ziploc baggie with the basic school supplies required such as pencils, erasers, crayons/pencil crayons/markers, scissors, glue, thick black sharpie, small personal pencil sharpener and ruler. (You are welcome to send anything else you feel would be useful). We will not have any access to “shared” materials in the classroom, so please make sure to bring whatever you think you will need to be successful. We will not have access to the coatroom, or the ability to store supplies in the desks, so please make sure your child brings everything home with them at the end of the day. Students can bring their own devices and will have access to the network (fingers crossed).
  2. Our school library will be closed, so we will not be able to do any book exchanges. Please send a few books or a variety of reading materials with your child so that they have something to read (especially if we head outside!).
  3. Please supply a water bottle (or two) as there will be no access to the refillable water fountains. Your child will need a recess snack and lunch as well, of course. We are asking students to bring a litter less lunch if possible please.
  4. As we will be spending much time outdoors, please make sure your child comes to school wearing sunscreen and brings a hat to wear. You may choose to send sunscreen with your child if you feel it will be necessary to reapply throughout the day. Your child will be responsible for this.
  5. I will continue to provide weekly menus on the blog for all students to continue working on. Please be aware that if your child is returning to school, some of the activities we will be doing in class will be from the menu.

I am really looking forward to spending time with your child and reconnecting with them during in-class instruction. It goes without saying that I will do my best to make sure your child feels safe, comfortable and calm during this transition back to school.

In preparation for the return to classes, I need to cancel tomorrow’s ZOOM ROOM meeting. I will be going into the school to get our classroom ready for Tuesday’s return.

Be safe everyone,

Mr. Ricker