Hi everyone! Welcome to Week 6.

I am so glad that I was able to see many of you in person on Friday.  I hope you were able to enjoy some of the great weather this weekend, and I hope you all gave your Moms a huge hug for Mother’s Day.

Here are some suggested activities for you to work on this week. I’ve made a list of 14 (some Literacy, some Numeracy and some Art / Wellness). Try to do 3 a day.  You can email me at jayson.ricker@burnabyschools.ca or at rickerjay24@gmail.com  with your progress. Some of you like to email me daily, while others are emailing at the end of the week. Either strategy works for me.  I have enabled the comment section as well, but all comments will need to be approved before they are posted.

Remember,  please don’t print the grid. Just open a word document or a google doc and send them off. I’m really enjoying all of the pictures and artwork you are submitting to me. I am very jealous of some of your neighbourhood walks. Please keep going.

This week, I am including another link to our current events program. You can read the text online, and respond via email or google docs. This week’s article is about the global response to the COVID – 19 pandemic.    COVID details

The ADST projects are looking great so far. I am very impressed with your creative designs. I’d like to see your completed “vehicle” by May 15th.

Good news everyone… I found Hatchet as a PDF file online! Now we can see what happens to Brian. We have read the first 9 chapters together in class. I have broken down the remaining chapters into 3 chunks. I am including the first of the 3 chunks (Chapters 10 to 12) in this week’s grid. I am also including some activities to complete after you have read the chapters. 

Hatchet Chapters 10 to 12 – Book

Hatchet Chapters 10 to 12


I’d like to try a KAHOOT again this week. In order to play, we would need to be online at the same time on the same day. I was thinking Thursday the 30th at 10:00. Please add a comment if you are able to play. I’ll send out a ZOOM ROOM link prior to the start of the game.

Do what you can. Remember we are all trying our best. Mistakes are how we learn. I’m still learning too. Let’s remember to keep a Growth Mindset! Keep washing your hands – it’s working!

Be safe everyone.

The Virtual Classroom – week 6