Hello everyone,
We hope you all had a nice weekend with your family. It has been nice to hear the many new and fun traditions you have started in your own households.
We want to start this week by acknowledging and honouring National Indigenous Peoples Day that takes place on June 21st.
Here is some information on why this special day is important to our country and community:
National Indigenous Peoples Day takes place on June 21st of every year. It began in 1996 and was originally called National Aboriginal Day. The day commemorates and honours First Nations, Inuit, and Métis People’s cultures, histories, and contributions to Canada. June 21st was chosen because it is the longest day of the year and has long been celebrated by Indigenous Peoples. This day is an opportunity to recognize the historic contributions of Indigenous Peoples to the development of Canada. There are many ways to celebrate the day but as June is also National Indigenous History Month there is an opportunity to learn about Indigenous history and to deepen our understanding of Indigenous people and their role in the present-day and future of Canada all month long. (This written statement was created by April Strickland)
Throughout the week we will take part in activities that honor and highlight the many amazing contributions Indigenous People have made in our country and local communities. Please make sure to also check out Ms. Carson`s library blog, as she has some books written by Indigenous Authors and Illustrators.
*click on the above picture to gain access to Ms. Carson`s blog
We look forward to another week of growing and learning with you!
Xo Ms. Pastora, Mrs.Hartley, and Ms.Elly
Here is our schedule board for June 15th to June 19th:
Please click on the blue link below to get access to all the websites and video links:
June 15-June 19 Schedule Board