Walking Water

In class we have been learning about Matter and Force and Motion.  Last week we did some experimenting with how different objects move.  The students loved using different ramps to try and see how far we could get a ball to move without falling off of the track.

Yesterday we did an experiment to see if we could get water to move from one glass container to the other.  We put on Scientist thinking caps and discussed our predictions about what we thought would happen.  We were pretty surprised to see that in the end water was able to travel through a paper towel and into the third empty jar.  Unfortunately it was moving pretty slowly so we decided to leave the experiment over the weekend to see what it would look like on Monday when we get back to class.  Here is one photo from about 40 mins after we started the experiment and then another taken after approximately 4 hours.

What do you think the jars will look like on Monday?

I hope you had a great Pro-D Day!

Ms. Pasqualetto :0)

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