December is here!

In continuing with our theme of being Kitchener Hawks who are kind and accepting we read the story “The Name Jar” by Yangsook Choi.  It is about a little girl who moves to America from Korea and on the bus to school she is teased when kids can’t pronounce her name. She tries to choose a new name that her peers can pronounce and many of her classmates give her thoughtful suggestions.   The question becomes should she have to change her name?   As a class we talked about differences and accepting others for the things that make us unique.  We talked about our names and when I asked if anyone knew of any stories about how their names were chosen to which there was a lot of shrugged shoulders and “my parent’s named me” 🙂  This is why there was the about my name sheet in the planner today.

We are very excited to start learning about the class’s Family Holiday Traditions.  The past three days we learned that both Ms. Dente and Ms. Pasqualetto’s families celebrate Christmas and that Ms. Lee’s family celebrates Lunar New Year.   Please double check the pink December calendar that was sent home this past Monday to see what day your child is presenting and stapled to the newsletter was the sheet we hope they will fill out about your family traditions.  While many children will focus on the upcoming holiday season (they are pretty excited), please feel free to choose any tradition that is special to your family.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Pasqualetto :0)

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