Indigenous Symbology

Courtesy of Simon James, we took up learning more about Indigenous Symbology so that we could understand the animals on a totem pole more clearly.

We reflected on which animal appeals to us. Now let’s share in and read each others. Your response total should be roughly 15 or more sentences. Below, can you please post:

  1. Which Indigenous animal do you relate to?
  2. What are 5 reasons why you are similar to this animal?

24 thoughts on “Indigenous Symbology

  1. brandon38 says:

    The indigenous animal that I relate to the most is the frog. The reasoning behind this is that first of all, the frog, in different indigenous communities represent unity and family. I confide the most in my family and have the most trust in them, which is one reason the frog represents me best. The second reason why the frog best represents me is that the frog also represents sharing and learning. This fits me because I am always open to learn new things that will help me grow as a person. The sharing big also fits me somewhat because I am open to sharing things with people who are truly in need of it. The third reason why the frog represents me the best is because it represents wealth and riches. The thing is though I don’t see someone with lots of money as rich. I see someone with lots of friends and relationships as rich, and I believe that I have many friends and relationships so this is another reason why the frog represents me the best. The fourth reason why that the frog represents me the best is because the frog also represents perseverance in different indigenous communities because when it is hatched out of its egg as a tadpole it has a very high chance of dying so that is why it represents perseverance. This fits me because whenever I am in a bad spot or having a hard time trying to do something I try my best to have perseverance and try to achieve my goal. The last reason the frog best represents me is because the frog represents potential and transformation as in growing as a person. It represents me because I think I am always growing as a person, so in conclusion this is why I think the frog best represents me. This is the end of my blogpost, thank you for talking the time to read this.

  2. mateo4 says:

    The animal that I most relate to is the Hummingbird. The first reason why , is because Hummingbirds like to relate messages and communicate. I’m similar to hummingbirds this way because I like to stay in touch with my family and friends. I do this by talking and texting. Sometimes I even write letters.
    Hummingbirds also symbolize love. They remind me of the love I feel for my family and people I’m close to.
    Hummingbirds are a messenger of joy. Christmas Season is here and it will bring me a lot of joy being able to spend time with my family.
    Playfulness is also symbolized by Hummingbirds. I’m playful and happy myself.
    They’re also a symbol of good luck. My Grandma has a flower on her balcony that Hummingbirds always fly to. She always smiles and says that the Hummingbirds bring her good luck.

  3. hana20 says:

    I think that the Hummingbird relates to me. Hummingbird represents: joy, happy, lucky, and healing. My mom says I am the joy of her life. We have a hummingbird feeder, and we watch them everyday drinking from the feeder. And sometime we see one of them guard the hummingbird feeder when other ones comes so they cant drink for the feeder. Hummingbird also represents lucky, that means surprise. When my parents were giving up having a baby. I was a surprise to them, because they were giving up then something happened.

  4. lorenzo11 says:

    I think the bear most represents me because he represents strength, courage, friendship, etc.
    I am a friendly person when is having someone new at the school, or when someone asks to play with me I never decline their invites. Like the bear that most people say they are dangerous but he only attacks when someone makes something bad to him or when he is feeling hangry and angry.
    I am usually a very adventurous person, that in my old house I was living in a condominium and I left my home to play with my friends outside, jump on the rocks, or make parkour, so making this I create courage to make difficult things. The bear has a lot of courage too, for being a big animal and a predator, so the little animals get afraid of him, so he can easily go to dangerous places without getting scared.
    And the last thing is that when I was a kid I was doing something that my friends don’t like and then they start punching me, so then my dad put me in a Jiu-Jitsu school for two years and I learned strength there. So the bear is strong because he has a big teeth and he is big.
    So that is why the bear is a similar animal to me.

  5. nathan86 says:

    I think if I could choose any kind of Indigenous animal to relate it would be honestly the bear for many reason.1) Because it symbolizes health and when it comes to health I take really good care to myself .i check what is necessary and what’s not good and what’s good for me like eating nutritious food for my well being . As well as my cleanliness and do what’s best for my hygiene. 2)Another reason it because it also symbolizes as courage. Now when it comes to courage it takes time to actually gain courage to do something . And well I have gain lots of courage to actually to do stuff like signing up for stuff or stepping up or other stuff .The point is I have lots of courage now a days I mostly do stuff that I could never could of done without courage now I would say I have courage and courage is big thing for me at this moment. 3)And the bear is also similar to again because it represents family and I feel like I care a lot about my family most of the time and would keep my family protect no matter what.And would stick with my family to the end and have trust and taking care of each other with kindness and respect.Family really mean a lot to me because they’re basically Like a support group with a strong Bond. 4)Honesty is symbolized by a bear and other kinds of animals I would say is really important to be honest because it’s bad and your not true to your self and other people .It could hurt you and other people in different ways and it could mess you up hard by telling not the truth. It could get you lots of trouble by that’s why I am always honest so that never happens to me and honesty is always the best medicine . 5)Last but least vitality is a thing a bear represent which mean like active and being active is good and a shows it a lot like hunting. And for me being energize is really good cause I mostly walk or run daily and sometimes exercise and for a bear I can see why because they hunt, walk a lot and more .And that’s 5 reason why I can see similar to me and a bear.

  6. haadiya1 says:

    1. I think I most relate to a wolf. I think a wolf because wolf’s are very sneaky and are great at getting pray. I am very vocal and I communicate a lot with the class, wolf’s howl to communicate with thee pack just like I scream at my class to be quite. Wolf’s always travel in packs and I am someone who really likes to have a lot of friends because it makes me feel like I have someone to help me and talk to me. Wolf’s are also protect there kids and there is always a leader and protects the pack from any danger and makes sure they don’t get harmed. I try my best to help people and support them when they get hurt or need help. Wolf’s are known to be a loyal animal because if they were not loyal they would not be able to be in packs and work together. If they didn’t work together they would not be able to feed the mother and baby because the father would not work with the others.
    2. I think that I am most related to the wolf , bear , and wale. I think I am most related to a bear because bears are kind and honest they are very true to what they want to do, they don’t fake it because they don’t want sleep in front of other bears or eat in front of them. When they want to eat they eat when they want to sleep they sleep. Wales are very majestic and affectionate to there partners and protective of here baby’s. Whale are generally very playfully, sociable and gregarious. I think that I am also very sociable as well as playfully and silly. So in conclusion I think the animals I am most alike is a bear, wolf, and a whale. You might wonder why many people chose a eagle or a raven or any type of bird but I didn’t well most of the birds especially eagles an ravens are very wise and smart but I think there is always something to learn. Today I learnt that the wolf, bear ,and whale are intact very similar to me all the way from how they act to the attitude.

  7. alena2 says:

    I feel like I connect to a Wolf. An Indigenous Wolf represents leadership, loyalty, and intelligence. It also symbolizes perseverance, intuition, and success.
    I feel like I connect to a Wolf the most, because of these reasons. First, I am loyal to people once I get to know and trust them. Also, if I set my mind to something, I always try, and most of the time, I achive it. I got that character trait from my mother. Another reason why I connect to a Wolf, is because I am intelligent, and I can learn quick, and find a way out of a tricky situation, by compromising, or finding a way to solve the problem. I am also a leader. I love to oversee things, and I go out of my comfort zone often. I do follow my intuition, which helps me make good decisions. Most of the time I am right in an argument, of I just know what to do in a certain situation. I also am stubborn, which is another word for perseverance. I always try to defend my point, and I don’t really like when people argue with me. I always know enough to defend my point, but I don’t always admit that I am wrong. I do not like being proved wrong, but when it does happen, I try to admit it.

  8. rebecca24 says:

    I think if I had to choose any animal to connect with it would probably be the bear, a bear is a sign or honesty&kindness i think i have these traits as i show them in my everyday life, of course a bear has mor traits then 2 but here are some reasons why i think i relate to a bear.
    1 strong reason i connect with a bear is the kindness it represents. I am a very kind person and i show kindness in everything i do. I help out people, i give advice and no matter what i try and show kindness. A bear show honesty, it represents honesty, this brings me to my second reason, i am a very honest person, i have always been honest with my opinion or with others, an most important myself. A bear has and represents almost the same which is why i connect with the animal so much. A thrid reason might be a bears helpfulness, a bear is a large sign of helpfulness, and i am quite the helpful. Weather its a friend or not i always try and reach a helping hand toward anyone. Protection, what animal could represent protection? A bear, bears show lots of protection not only in wild life but the symbol itself shows protection. If you think about it long enough a mothe bear is one of th mis protective animals when it comes to he cubs, right?? But a human or me is protective ove their friends or still family. I am a kind person but if someone hurts my friend i am very vEry protective over them so that kindness fades away just like a bear!! That brings me to my fifth and final reason. If a bear represents helpfulness, protection, kindness, honest. You think to yourself what else could it represent what other symbols could it represent? Isn’t it already lots? Well no, my last reason why a bears symbols represent me and why i connect the animal is, strength, you may wonder reading this well Rebecca your not very strong? Not only strength a power but strength in skills. I have many strenghs even if myself am not very strong power wise i can do things like. I have strengths in spelling or p.e axhool wize but. Bear may have skills like hunting or Catching fish. Those were some reasons i think i connect myself with a bear. What do you think? Do you agre with me or disagree?

  9. shanvi1 says:

    I think I relate to the quail. The quail and I have a few things in common, but today, I’m here to tell you about 5 of them.
    1. The quail looks out for growth opportunities. This is a trait I have as well. After school, I’m searching up different academic and sport opportunities. Such as ALP, tennis tournaments, etc.
    2. The quail also represents caution and awareness. It’s always aware of its surroundings and the people in its surroundings as well. I am also quite aware of my surroundings, for example, it is almost impossible to take a picture of me without me noticing.
    3. Another thing the quail represents is detachment. It detached from matters or situations that stress it out and aren’t it’s concern. I practically do the same.
    4. One more thing the quail represents is community. The quail always helps the people around it – if they need help. I try to do the same. For example, I helped Jaxson with his math.
    5. Lastly but not least, the quail and I both rely on our instincts. I have developed an awareness for each person close to me, and I can tell their motives using my instincts.
    These are five reasons I think I relate to the quail.

  10. vadym1 says:

    I feel like I relate to the indigenous bear for a variety of reasons. Like Simon James had mentioned, bears are honest and simply express themselves. When bears are tired, they sleep. When they are hungry, they eat. When they are dehydrated, they drink water. These are some qualities that I feel like I have.

    Another quality of a bear is patience. I have a lot of patience be it waiting in line, or even patience with other people. Take my siblings for example. Despite how much Slava annoys me on my way from school back home, I remain patient with him and walk him home every single day.

    Like a bear, I am also independent to a certain degree. I can remember to perform tasks such as doing homework, washing the dishes, and taking the trash out without any reminders. When doing homework, I can figure it out on my own without much help needed from other individuals.

    One more quality is health. I consider myself to be very conscious of my health because I do not consume many processed foods like chips and just store-bought things in general. Most of my lunch is cooked by hand so I can see everything that goes into it.

    The final reason as to why I relate myself to a bear is because bares care for their family. Bears care for other people of their sort and are very attached to their family. I love my family so much. Despite how annoying my siblings can be, they’re my only siblings and I love them with all my heart. I love my parents, grandparents, and even my great-grandparents.

  11. jessica62 says:

    I would say I am related to the raven the most. I have similar personalities to the raven. I often misbehave and I am very energetic and loud. I like to joke around and play tricks on people. I get distracted easily and I like it when things change. I find it awfully boring when things stay the same the whole time. I find it amusing when you can see the difference in the world. I’m curious about different things in my life. In other words, I like to be a know-it-all. Life is full of discoveries; I want to find and see all of them. I also have a sense of humour. I like jokes and I laugh a lot.

    I could also say I’m also like the whale. I like to help others in need because it makes me happy to see other people happy. I am compassionate. I care for other’s feelings and I try to see all sides of the picture. I often pity people and I try to open my heart to everyone. I also like to stick to my friends and other peers.

    I conclusion I feel connected to the raven and the whale.

  12. april7 says:

    Personally, the Whale and Raven are the ones that I feel represent me the most. The Whale stands for compassion, kindness, family, and intelligence, while the Raven is a known trickster. Starting off with the Whale, I generally consider myself to be a kind-hearted and empathetic person. Throughout the past years, I’ve worked on this area a lot, and now I’m at a point where I really feel like I’ve achieved that compassionate mindset. In addition, I would also say that I’m an intelligent person, and family has always meant a lot to me. So, the symbolic meaning of the Whale really resonated with me. As for the Raven, it represents change-in-life, humour, creativity, and as mentioned before, is an infamous trickster. I related to the Raven in the areas of humour, creativity, and change-in-life. I’m not much of a trickster to be honest. Humour has always been a big part of my personality, and I consider myself to be a person who will laugh at almost anything. Likewise, creativity is also something that’s significant to me. As a person who loves performing arts and literature, creativity is extremely important. It means a lot to me, and therefore, it only makes sense to pick the Raven. Lastly, over the past few years, I’ve experienced quite a big change in my lifestyle, the way I operate, and the way I think. Whether it’s worrying about change, experiencing change, or striving for change, change always seems to linger in my life. In conclusion, these are the two indigenous animals that I found resonate with me the most. The traits that they represent have proven to be extremely significant to me, and that is why I chose them.

  13. kristie2 says:

    1. The animal I mostly relate to is the whale.

    2. There are many reasons i mostly relate to the whale. some of its symbols relate to me like kindness and compassion. I also sometimes know when people need help. It also symbolises strong family values that I have. I also like travel but I like to travel with my family the most just like a whale. The whale has a song that is so beautiful. I also enjoy music and singing so, this is another reason I can relate to the whale. I’m not a very big person but I respect the whale for it’s powerful strength and size. I think whales are gentle which I also try to be. I also enjoy play in water. Whales are in the ocean near where we live. Getting splashed by a whale bring good luck and happiness. I hope to get splashed by a whale one day. I’m also sometimes intelligent just like a whale.

  14. monica8 says:

    The Indigenous animal that I relate to the most is the Butterfly. The butterfly can accept change and is also a messenger. As well as symbolizing balance and grace. I like to have a balance of things; without a balance I get uncomfortable. Balanced meals, colours, and overall life. Butterflies symbolize metamorphosis, another word for change. They show you how you can evolve and grow into another person. From a small baby to growing into my teens, I have changed and grown a lot. The butterfly represents this a lot. Transformation, comfort, and positivity. I find myself changing constantly throughout my life. In social skills and my school life. Even just looking at a butterfly gives me a sense of hope, as they fly free. Comforting is a word in my vocabulary, comforting sounds, views, or even people. I find myself changing, positive, and balanced. Butterflies can find the beauty in things; they have many meanings. The butterfly finds the most worth to me.

  15. icheng1 says:

    1.I think I am related orcas is because that the orcas do not hurt people, they protect people. When I was little my dad said that hurting people is wrong, because for example that I am angry I should not hurt people is because that is not how you solve problems you have to talk It out instead of hurting and yelling. Another thing that I am related to the orcas is that I protect people like when maybe someone is getting hurt like getting bully I will not by stand I will at least say stop, so they will maybe stop. My parents say that you should protect people that are getting bully, so if you are in that situation than maybe they will stand up for you too, because my parents if you help someone, they will maybe help you back.

    My second animal I think I am related is the turtle is because that I am always telling the truth like for example that when my parents ask me a question like did you do your chores I will always say yes or no, I will never say maybe. My parents say that being truthful is a very important skill in my life is, because if you always lie than no one will believe you. I heard a story about Pinocchio that have I very good message like it teach you that do not lie. I have heard another story about a young boy that live on a field I think and with him sheep and one day he through of an idea like I am a so board why don’t I call for someone to play with me and so he lies by saying that there a wolf eating him sheep, so the villagers come to see but the wolf is not here, so the villages put a person there than when he left than he got bored again so he keep on saying it until no one believing him.

    2. the first reason that I am related to the orcas is that I don’t like hurting people like punching kicking etc. The second reason that I am like the orcas is that harmony like calm. Third reason I am like orcas is that ii care for everyone like the community like I don’t only care about my friends I care for the earth like I do not pollution or litter etc. My fourth reason is family is because that we are the 9 to 3 family. My fifth reason that I am related to the orcas Is that I am kind of energetic like the orcas. That why I think that I am related to the orcas.

  16. lawrence7 says:

    I think I am mostly related to a Salmon or a wolf since the Salmon symbolizes Determination, instinct, and persistence and the wolf symbolizes teamwork, communication, friendship and so on. Each year, the salmons would go back to the place where they were born and lay their eggs there. But, when they go upstream, they would face the bear(s), which will grab them and eat them if they get caught. You would think the Salmons would just give up and stop trying to risk their lives against the bears, but they never did. They came in waves, and waves, until they were through. Wolves, who live in packs, always care for each other, and always hunt prey together as a team. They are all loyal to their pack and would do anything to protect against the other packs.

    Reasons that I relate to a Salmon/wolf:

    I am determined to do whatever it takes to reach a goal, such as trying my best to reach a black belt in Tae Kwon Do before the end of this school year.

    I have the instinct to finish my homework and to care for people when the Salmon has the instinct to go back to the place where they were born to lay their eggs.

    My personal favourite option for getting work done as a team. Mostly because you can get the work done faster and you get to know your teammates better.

    Wolves communicate with their pack by howling when I have to yell at my brother to stop screaming all the time. Also, when I had to yell at people to be quiet.

    Wolves as they work in packs and eventually develop friendships. I made friends when I worked in a group (in fact, 60% of my friends were made while I was in a group with them!).

  17. mattias12 says:

    The Indigenous animal that I relate to is the elk. The elk teaches us how to use the energy we have to fulfill our goals. It also represents how to best apply our personal energy, pacing ourselves to fulfill goals. It also represents passion, leadership, alertness, nimbleness and endurance. The elk represents leadership. I think that I have many leadership qualities like communication, honesty and many more. Next Both me and the elk have a lot of passion in different things, I put a lot of passion in many things but mainly my art.The elk also has endurance and alertness which can be very useful in life in many ways like not just when you are active but also not giving up on your goals and staying alert of your surroundings. ie, your health and friendships/relationships. Because at the end of the day you’ll need some endurance, which sets you apart from those who burned out by pushing too hard or too fast. Life is not a sprint. It’s a long path. If you rush, you’ll risk missing subtle dangers and lessons that lie along the way. This is why I think the elk represents me the best.

  18. andrew48 says:

    I feel that the indigenous animal I am related to is the wolf. This is because an indigenous wolf symbolizes perseverance, intuition, and success. The wolf is also known for its intelligence, leadership, and loyalty.

    These are five reasons as to why I believe that I connect to the wolf. Firstly, I am mostly quite loyal to people once I get used to being around them. Although there are indeed exceptions that I cannot deny, those are quite rare. Also, if I really set my mind to something then I will try my best and usually complete or achieve that task. Although that will only happen if I really want to try my best and achieve the task if it is one that I find quite difficult. Another reason that I relate to the wolf is because I am intelligent. I can quickly understand things and learn quickly. If I’m in a tricky situation, I can find a way out quickly by finding a way to solve the problem. Although I sometimes like to work alone for projects, it’s also fun to mix it up a bit and work in groups as well. Just like how wolves hunt and stay together in packs, I also like to hang out with my friends as well. I have made pretty much all of my friends by being around them a lot or being in the same class and/or group as them for an extended period of time. I also made some of my friends when I had no other choice and ended up being good friend or they were friends of friends. If you got this far with kinda knowing what is going on here, then thanks for reading all this stuff that probably makes absolutely no sense at all since I have like no grammar.

  19. jaden32 says:

    1. In my opinion I think I am a deer because dears are Love, gentleness, kindness, gracefulness because I think I am good at those skills. I am a deer because I am kind in my opinion because for example two weeks ago when I was outside and someone open the door and a kid ran into the door and he was bleeding so I took him to his classroom and helped him out. Dears are grateful and I am grateful because when we were doing French bingo I was outside so I got last pic and I didn’t get the best chocolate because I don’t really mind and some people got zero Bingos and at least I got something. I am loving because I like my friends as a friend and I like my family because they are caring, helpful and they’re the people I can Trust the most. That’s why I am a deer because I am kind, loving and grateful for all the great people I have met.

    The second animal I think I am is a lion because lions are courageous and I am courageous.
    I am courageous because I am brave no matter how scared I am for exam when I came to kindergarten and I tried making a lot of friends. I am courageous because I will never back down and I will finish what I started because when I joined the volleyball it was boring and I was tired because I had to wake up every morning but I kept on coming to volleyball practice and coming to games and I actually like volleyball. I have courage because I trie new things like volleyball, basketball, band and pancake breakfast.

    The third animal I’m related to is a bear because there is protective and strong. I am a bear because I am protective for example in the summer when I went camping with my friends I have my pocket knife around me in case were in trouble or a animal come charging at us. Bears are strong and I am strong because I am big and tall and I can lift heavy stuff and I can punch hard but I don’t punch people because that’s bad. I am a bear because hi have a good friendships like a bear.

    2. These are the animals that represent me.

    1. A deer represents me because I am kind grateful and loving because I like my friends as a friend and I am kind to others and I am grateful for what I have.
    2. The second animal that represents is a lion because lions are courageous and brave and I am brave and I have courage because having courage is always trying new things And when there is opportunity for something new I try that new thing and having courage is always being brave when you’re scared because when I am scared I try to be brave so I won’t be scared anymore because if you are scared you won’t accomplish anything.
    3. The third animal that represents me is a bear because I am protective and strong and I am strong and protective because if I am walking or camping or doing anything I will always have something to protect me in case something goes wrong and I am strong because I can handle heavy things and I can punch hard but I don’t punch hard that much because there is no need for that.
    4. And my fourth animal is a dolphin because dolphins are playful and I like to play for example when I go to my friends house with my friend go to my house are usually play board games Nerf guns or with toys or outside and play sports.
    5. And the last animal that represents me is a dog because I am loyal to my friends and I won’t leave my friends for one stupid thing like if you get into a argument and If you tell me a secret I won’t tell other people your secret.

  20. justin94 says:

    think my totem animal is gonna be hawk because I can make situations better whenever there is something happening I can always turn things around and create resolutions for it. This also leads to why I chose to be a police officer in classroom economy. I chose to be a police officer because I have also wanted to help people while doing my jobs for figure out what the problem is and how to solve it. Now i’m gonna tell you why I chose hawk as my spirit animal. I chose this animal because not only hawk is good at detecting peoples situations and how to solve them but also using kindness and perspective as a guide to see peoples true emotions and their true personality. I am very sensitive at some point but this is also a good thing because I can know what people are thinking by listening to their conversation and by telling the look on their face and their actions. When something happens, it will automatically bring my attention to it because of my power vision. Hawk is also good at encouraging people whenever they are stuck at something and I think I have done that pretty well in the past. When ever someone doesn’t understand something whether is math or english or social studies I can and will help them if their mind is stuck. Hawk is also good at delivering messages like a messenger and I think I am a very good messenger especially because I am a police officer and as a police officer you always have to tell the chief about what happened. Hawk is also good at watching things and catching them if they are doing what they are not suppose to be doing and hawk always protects their family so who ever dares to touch one of hawks family member, you are screwed because no matter what a hawk will never stop until it catches its prey. I think the last reason why my spirit animal is hawk is because that hawk is kind and thoughtful and just genuine and nice to the people or animals that’s surrounding him/her. In real life, I am very kind and genuine with my peers and I have shown a great listening and helping my peers. Not only I can help people when they need help, I can even help my self without asking anyone to help me and isn’t that what hawk does? As a conclusion, I think my spirit animal Is hawk because of all the reasons I listed.

  21. damian4 says:

    Personally, I think I’m a bear because it’s about courage, strength, and family. I think that courage is like me when I do my work. The bear is the animal closest to my personality because what it symbolizes. It is the indigenous animal that represents me. Now here are some of the reasons why I think I’m a bear. The bear is a very strong animal and it is very unique like for example it’s strong and very brave.

    The first reason is because I like family. In my opinion, family comes first before anything else in the world. The only thing that’s more important it’s safety but other than that nothing is more important than family.

    The second reason is strength. I think strength is like me because I am always doing things that require strength. The thing is strength isn’t always a good thing because bad things can happen like breaking things by accident.

    I thing courage is very useful in times when you’re nervous or scared. You can be nervous or scared but being courageous does not hurt. Being courageous actually helps you in life like doing a presentation or a project.

    Bears are solitary animals just like me I am just like a bear because I like being alone too. Being solitary actually calms you down more. The thing is solitary animals are better since they don’t need help or help hunting.

    The last reason is bears care about health. I want everyone to have a safe life and be healthy so they can live as long as possible. I hope everyone lives in peace and have a happy life.

    Overall I think I’m more like a bear since they have a lot of things like what I have in common.

  22. jason57 says:

    I think I am related to an indigenous bear because the bear has good strength, good health, and good courage. Like what Simon James said Bears sleep when they want to sleep, and they eat when they want to eat. The bear is just like me! I sleep when I want to sleep, and I eat when I want to eat. Also, I have good strength, good health and I have good courage just like a bear

    The 5 reasons I relate to the bear are

    1.I am similar to a bear because I have good health for example I go to taekwondo and soccer, so I get lots of strength by playing these sports. Just like a bear I have good health, and this was my first reason why I am similar to an indigenous

    2.the second reason I am similar to a bear is because bear represents family. I represent my family because I really like to go to places with my family and I want to stay with my family, and I really like my family just like a bear

    3.The third reason why I am similar to an indigenous bear is because I am strong in nature. I am strong in nature because Igo to a camp where you learn how to survive in the wild and bears are very strong in nature just like me

    4.the fourth reason that I am similar to an indigenous bear is because I have good strength just like a bear. I have very good strength because I do taekwondo, soccer, badminton, swimming and baseball. If I do all these sports, I should have strength just like a bear

    5.The fifth reason that is am similar to an indigenous bear is what the bears do. Like what Simon James said bears sleep when he wants to sleep, and he eats when the bear wants to .It’s just like I do whatever I want to do.

  23. luisa4 says:

    I feel like I am the most similar to the whale. It symbolizes kindness, unity, intelligence, and compassion, and I think I have most of those traits. It’s also known for its strong family values, and I value family very much. Not only your blood family but also your heart family, the people with whom you are truly connected.

    I have lived with my family for my whole life. I’m not just talking about my parents here, but my grandparents, my cousins, aunts, and uncles as well. Having been born in a different state than the one my family lived in; my parents decided to move back so that I could be close to them. I am glad that they chose to move because if they hadn’t, I wouldn’t be as close to my family as I am now. I basically grew up in my grandparents’ house. My grandfather and I had a remarkably close relationship, we did everything together. We would play, watch television, read books, and do all kinds of things together. He was kind of like my best friend when I was growing up. However, my real best friend was my cousin, Fernanda. She was basically my sister. We would go out to the park, play video games, buy candy at the store nearby, and so forth on the weekends when she would visit me and my grandparents. There’s also my aunt Eliza. Although she isn’t my biological aunt, she is definitely a part of the family. She is also sort of my best friend. I remember she was always at my grandparents’ house for birthday parties and family gatherings. She is an extremely special person to me.

    The whale also represents compassion. People’s feelings have always touched me. I can empathize with their problems and make them feel better. I try to help them with whatever I can and cheer them up. I really enjoy making people happy, and that’s what compassion is all about: understanding other people and making them feel better.

    Based on the points and examples I gave; I believe I am most like the whale. The whale is a caring and loving animal. My goal is to become more like it in the future.

  24. deja2 says:

    I personally think that I am an indigenous bear because of how we both have similar flaws like good strength, good health and being very brave. The reason why I choose this animal is because of how it’s really close to my personality and how it represents me.

    Here are five reasons why:

    My first reason is because of how we both have good strength, we both are extremely strong and powerful in different ways, for example, we can both lift quite heavy things and stand up for ourselves, we can take care of ourselves. But it doesn’t always mean things like that, having good strength means being able to take care of other people and not just yourself.

    My second reason is being brave, having a hard time and still being strong and brave at the end of it is amazing especially for bears, there are being hunted down for their skin and meat and it is so sad but still having that power at the end of it is crazy.

    My third reason is they care about others and their health, I feel like I do that a lot as well. I look out for others and be there for people when they need me and there to comfort them if needed and I feel like a bear does that a lot with their family.

    Like Simon James said a bear will do whatever it wants to, I feel like I am like that most of the time I will do whatever my heart tells me to do.

    The last one is family, yeah I may not be really close with all of my family members but I always try to reconnect with them no matter what!

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