Morley StrongStart

Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

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What else can I do with natures bounty

Hello Strongstart Families,

Here is a Beautiful post Ms. Lillian from 12th Ave StrongStart let me share with all.

I hope you enjoy and are inspired!

Truly Ms. Trish


I would like to invite you to expand your collection of natural objects. You can’t go wrong with collecting shells(these were store bought), rocks – big or small, dried leaves of Magnolia trees (they do not crumble for a long time) etc.  Anything will do, flex your imagination “muscle”. You can always supplement by providing some Dollar Store items like popsicle sticks, wooden blocks, coffee stirring sticks.

What else can children do with natural materials? It depends on their interest and of course their age and the stage they are at. The youngest children will enjoy the sound and feeling of the leaves as you walk through the woods or on the street, they will love scrunching and crumpling them. You can throw the leaves high up in the air for them to watch them float. Show them the pointy leaves, let them feel the leaf lines, watch the wind moving the leaves on the branch.

They would love exploring and touching all the natural objects you provide (in a safe manner).

Some children will love taking their natural treasures in and out containers. For young children this provides endless fun as they master the competence of a “schema” of IN and OUT.

Some children like the toddler in this picture will choose one type of treasure (chestnuts) and line it up while experiencing the smoothness or roughness of the surfaces, weighing them.

Some children will pile them up to enjoy novelty of natural objects. Some will be happily engaged until they used up everything that was provided. This girl was appreciating her land art and was thinking hard what else she could add.

For older children you can introduce the concept of “patterns” by letting them choose one type of object and you choose another one. You can take turns lining  them up, “first me, then you”. After a couple of turns you can playfully ask “What would come next, what do you think? Of course, there are more complex patterns all around us and you can draw your child attention to patterns in nature and real world.  On this picture, for extra fun, I provided interesting lines to follow making the patterns. This adds the opportunity to talk about lines; curvy, loopy, zig-zaggy, spiral…

Some children will arrange the natural objects into land art following their own pattern, simple or complicated.


Some will have an idea of an experience or object close to their heart and will  re-create the image in their head with the objects provided. This boy was re-creating his experiences of airports and airplanes.


Many children created their homes.

It is so important to provide opportunities for children to play in nature but also bring “nature inside” . Being in nature, or touching and feeling natural objects calms children, they learn to marvel in what nature has to offer and they learn about world around them.

Enjoy! If you would like, feel free to e-mail me the photos of of your children’s creations.

Ms. Lillian

Hello everyone!

Hi Everyone, I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend!

Today we are discovering what we can do with these

Beautiful leaves , nuts and cones we are finding on the

ground this time of the year, Fall (Autumn).

Please join me as I read this book and sing songs.


I have a song I would like you to join me

sing to the tune of Bingo. The song is Windy

was the weather;



A message from Jamie, our Children’s Librarian

Welcome back! I am so happy that Ms. Trish has invited me to make a guest post on her blog to talk about the Burnaby Public Library and our services! My name is Jamie and I am the Children’s Librarian at the Tommy Douglas Branch of the Burnaby Public Library ( Tommy Douglas is located on the corner of Edmonds and Kingsway at 7311 Kingsway (learn more about our other three locations here:


Did you know that you can now come into the library and look for books and other materials? Our hours at all branches are:


  • Monday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Sunday: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.


Here are some of the other exciting services we are currently offering:

  • Need a library card? Give us a call at 604-436-5400 or come in. Having a Burnaby Public Library card will let you access all our cool online resources, place holds, and check out books. Everyone can get a card from babies to grandparents!
  • Need something to read? We have many new print books in library and e-books to enjoy at home. Check out: and
  • Got questions about the community, technology, books, or anything else? Drop by, call us at 604-436-5400 or email We love to answer your questions!
  • Searching for more stories? Check out TumbleBookLibrary, Bookflix, Indigenous Storybooks and other great options for online stories here: .
  • Did you read this summer? Pick up a Summer Reading Club medals at the branch while supplies last.

Keep visiting our website for news and announcements. For more information, visit: .

Remember, if you have any questions, please stop by, give us a call at 604-436-5400 or email us ( We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Warm regards!


Children’s Librarian, Tommy Douglas Library


Virtual Tommy Douglas Tour

Program info/Lending library

Hello Families,

Please see below programs for children 0-6 years old. YMCA has a lending library for Families to borrow from.

Hope this helps,

Have a Great day,

Truly Ms. Trish


v  SUCCESS is offering virtual Mother Goose programs in Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and English this month – if you are interested in the Mandarin or Cantonese, contact Teresa Hsieh at 604-318-2731 or E-mail, and if you are interested in joining the Korean group contact Monica Lim at 604-330-8068 or E-mail monica.lim@success.bc.c

v  Information Children in collaboration with Burnaby Neighbourhood House is offering a Spanish parenting group with children 0 – 6 years old this month – if you would like to join, contact or email: to register.


v  The YMCA CCRR has created an online catalogue for their early learning resource library – Browse through all the resources offered from toys, games, and puzzles to felt stories, literacy boxes, and more! Call 604-294-1109 or email to set up a curbside borrowing appointment! Catalogue link: YMCA CCRR Early Learning Library Catalogue Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9am-4:30pm, Thurs. 9am-8:00pm, Fri. 9am-4:30pm, 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month 8:30am-3pm.

News from our Friend Anita

Hi Strongstart Families we have some information from our Fabulous Anita Olson, Please read below!


Anita Olson – Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC) – supporting parents/caregivers with children ages 0-5 years old. Questions/concerns about behaviour, development, needing strategies or other resources call/text/email for a free virtual or socially distanced consultation.

604-723-9548 or email


Join Monday’s Coffee and Chat parenting support group to get connected with other parents, learn some helpful tips about parenting and discuss your own parental celebrations and challenges. Meetings are via MS Teams – email, subject line JOIN COFFEE AND CHAT, and an invite will be emailed to you. For assistance in MS Teams installation click here.

If you are interested in joining the ECCC Resource Newsletter please email, subject line ADD TO RESOURCE NEWSLETTER and you will begin to receive children’s activity ideas, family resources offered in Burnaby and so much more.

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