Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Category: Nature (Page 2 of 2)

The Enchanted Forest

Good Morning Strongstart Families.

I hope you all had a Fun and Safe weekend.

I have been taking a lot of walks on these

sunny Fall days as I love walking in the leaves,

hearing them crunch under my feet and looking at  the colors of

the trees  all aglow.

This weekend I met a very Special Lady named

Nickie Lewis.

Nickie has been creating nature sculptures

in Robert Burnaby Park for the last Five months.

This is her latest one called a Fairy/Mermaid home.

Nickie used only twine and twigs to produce all this

amazing artwork in the Park.

This is The Guardian of the park

Nickie has named him. She has worked

three hours a day and many more hours

on weekends to create these Beautiful creatures.

This is the Dragon!

If you look closely you can see a baby and some eggs.

This one is my favorite!

I call her the Angel of the forest!

Nickie has a web site called,

The Wizards Makery that has a map to

show you where they are in the Park.

I do hope you get a chance to go and find them.

Nickie is curious to see what Mother Nature will

do with the sculptures over time? Maybe they will

be covered by vines or moss over the winter,

or frost , ice and snow?

What do you think will happen to them?

I am wondering how many more

Nickie will create in the Forest!

Thank-you so much Nickie for your

Beautiful  Art in the Park!

Truly Ms. Trish

What else can I do with natures bounty

Hello Strongstart Families,

Here is a Beautiful post Ms. Lillian from 12th Ave StrongStart let me share with all.

I hope you enjoy and are inspired!

Truly Ms. Trish


I would like to invite you to expand your collection of natural objects. You can’t go wrong with collecting shells(these were store bought), rocks – big or small, dried leaves of Magnolia trees (they do not crumble for a long time) etc.  Anything will do, flex your imagination “muscle”. You can always supplement by providing some Dollar Store items like popsicle sticks, wooden blocks, coffee stirring sticks.

What else can children do with natural materials? It depends on their interest and of course their age and the stage they are at. The youngest children will enjoy the sound and feeling of the leaves as you walk through the woods or on the street, they will love scrunching and crumpling them. You can throw the leaves high up in the air for them to watch them float. Show them the pointy leaves, let them feel the leaf lines, watch the wind moving the leaves on the branch.

They would love exploring and touching all the natural objects you provide (in a safe manner).

Some children will love taking their natural treasures in and out containers. For young children this provides endless fun as they master the competence of a “schema” of IN and OUT.

Some children like the toddler in this picture will choose one type of treasure (chestnuts) and line it up while experiencing the smoothness or roughness of the surfaces, weighing them.

Some children will pile them up to enjoy novelty of natural objects. Some will be happily engaged until they used up everything that was provided. This girl was appreciating her land art and was thinking hard what else she could add.

For older children you can introduce the concept of “patterns” by letting them choose one type of object and you choose another one. You can take turns lining  them up, “first me, then you”. After a couple of turns you can playfully ask “What would come next, what do you think? Of course, there are more complex patterns all around us and you can draw your child attention to patterns in nature and real world.  On this picture, for extra fun, I provided interesting lines to follow making the patterns. This adds the opportunity to talk about lines; curvy, loopy, zig-zaggy, spiral…

Some children will arrange the natural objects into land art following their own pattern, simple or complicated.


Some will have an idea of an experience or object close to their heart and will  re-create the image in their head with the objects provided. This boy was re-creating his experiences of airports and airplanes.


Many children created their homes.

It is so important to provide opportunities for children to play in nature but also bring “nature inside” . Being in nature, or touching and feeling natural objects calms children, they learn to marvel in what nature has to offer and they learn about world around them.

Enjoy! If you would like, feel free to e-mail me the photos of of your children’s creations.

Ms. Lillian

Bubbles all summer!

Teacher Beth has an awesome video to watch!

How to make Giant Bubbles!


Here is Teacher Beth’s recipe!
















Bubble song!  (sing while you play)

Blowing bubbles, blowing bubbles,

in the air, in the air,

When you stop,

Then they drop,

And go POP!


Bugs and Frogs


On your walks this spring what new Life can you see!

Here is a song you can sing, and add to on your walks!


TUNE: The Wheels on the bus

The Red Bugs in the garden go flap flap flap

All through the town.

Tad poles in the pond go swish swish swish

All through the pond

The frogs on the logs go ribbit ribbit ribbit

All day Long!

What new verse can you think of?

Share them with your Friends!!!





Click the Red Bug!




                                                                                                                                                                                                        Click Tally the Tadpole ! 




Click: Five Green and Speckled Frogs





Click: Tiny Tim the Turtle



Heron nesting grounds.

Walking by City Hall I could hear Birds chattering.

I looked up and this is what I saw. Do you see Big nest in the trees?

Do you see any Birds in the nest?

Now is a great time to see the Heron nests as the leaves on the tress

are not full yet. This month the Babies will be trying their new skill

of flying. It is wonderful site to see every spring. I hope you will

have a chance to take a walk by with longer days to see this Wonderful site.



Supported by our Roots


Hi Everyone,
As I was walking in the woods near me where I have walked for the past 25 years, I noticed something changing. I have always been amazed how the old Trees & Stumps have supported the new growth by nourishing them and allowing them to grow through them.
This day when I walked through the woods I saw the old support system is giving way to what it has nourished.

I believe nature has a way of teaching us if we take the time to really look and see what is going on around us!

I believe our Earth Mother is showing us that our old ways have supported us til now, and we now are growing and learning new ways to live and thrive as we are deeply rooted in what was and must allow what is. As you can see from these pictures the new growth is ready and strong enough to carry new life by it’s own will and ways. The circle of Life, Truly Amazing!


Egg Head Garden

What you will need:

Potting soil
Seeds, flower, grass or herb seeds
Felt tip marker

How to do this:
1: Hollow the egg out by tapping the small end against a hard surface to create a 1 inch hole on top of the egg.
2: Remove contents of the egg by shaking it over a bowl.
3 :Draw a face on your egg using a felt tip marker.
4: Spoon each full of potting soil.
5: Make a small hole in the soil with a pencil.
6: Place a few seeds in the hole, cover with soil, and water.(children Love to use a spray bottle, and it helps build muscles in their arm and hands)
7: Depending on the type of seeds used, your egg head garden will sprout in 7-10 days.
8: Have children water it daily or spray it and, talk to your seeds, tell them stories as this will make them grow stronger and faster. As we all know Love helps us grow!!!

after the seeds have sprouted in the egg you can transplant
the egg into the ground or a pot full of soil in your home or on your balcony, Enjoy

I usually put my seed to soak in water before planting just to get them ready to grow, not a must!

Click here to see how!



Read lets grow a friend together!





Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Hello Everyone! How are you Today?

I am hoping you all will join me in singing What a Wonderful World: Click Here to Join Me!

I see trees of green , red roses too,

I see them bloom for me and for you,

And I think to myself what a Wonderful World,

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night,

and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky.

Are also on the faces of the People going by.

I see Friends waving hands saying “How do you do?”

  They’re really saying, I Love you.

I hear Babies cry. I watch them grow.

They’ll learn so much, than I’ll ever know.

And I think to myself, What a Wonderful World.

Yes, I think to myself, What a Wonderful World, Oh Yeah!!!



Let’s do some deep breathing to celebrate Earth Day!          Click here to  join me.

Let’s plant some Love for Earth Day!              Click here to join me.

I Love You, Join me in singing Skin a ma rink!      Click here to join me.


Hi Everyone, Anita is waiting to here from you! If you would like to get a hold of her here is How, and her Daily resource Newsletter!


Anita Olson works for Family Services of Greater Vancouver as Burnaby’s Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC). She has been working with families and young children for well over a decade and as a parent herself recognizes the challenges, complexity and delight parenting brings. Understanding the foundational importance of infant and early childhood development, Anita shares information, strategies and practical tools with parents as they begin and continue their parental journey. Focusing on the parent/caregiver and child relationship, Anita’s work with families aims to create and preserve loving connection and curiosity.


If you are looking for parenting support: email your questions or join the daily Resource Newsletter  aolson@fsgv.ca

set up a virtual meeting

phone/text Anita at 604-723-9548

Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

T 604 525 9144

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7



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