I have a Story and some songs to share
with you today! I hope you will join me.
See you again next time,
Be Kind, Be Calm & Be Safe!
Truly Ms Trish
Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy
I have a Story and some songs to share
with you today! I hope you will join me.
See you again next time,
Be Kind, Be Calm & Be Safe!
Truly Ms Trish
Hello Morley StrongStart Families!
How are you all today?
Edmonds Park will be our Park for outdoor programs.
We will be meeting at the covered area that has picnic tables.
Our first session will be Monday December 7th 9:30 – 11am
Wednesday December 9th, Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th.
All sessions will be 9:30 – 11am.
Please contact me if you would like to register for one or more session.
or you can leave a message on this blog.
I am So looking forward to meeting my old and new Friends!
I hope you joined me singing today!
See you next time,
take care, Love Ms Trish
v The Burnaby ECD table is hosting a free workshop, The Power of Using Connection During Challenging Times, for Burnaby families 0-6 years old on December 2nd from 9:30-10:30 am. Join counsellor and coach, Georgianna Lee to learn about expectations, frustration, ways to connect with your child and how to maintain connection. See attached poster or click here to register.
v Burnaby Division of Family Practices is offering DocTalks in Mandarin this Friday the 20th from 12-1pm. Families can learn about the influenza season from Burnaby Family Physician Billy Lin. From Vaccines too flu shot related anxiety, where, when and how to access appointments. Register Here if you would like to join or check out the attachments above.
v Burnaby Hospice Society is hosting the 16th online Candlelight Memorial Service on Sat Dec. 12th between 1-1:45p. If you would like to light a candle celebrate and remember a loved one call (604)-520-5087 or email info@burnabyhospice.org to get a link and the agenda. See above attachment for more information
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Happy Monday Everyone.
Anita has sent an Important message
about the Power of Nature.
Nature – the magic bullet?
Since the pandemic began many changes have ensued steering families to make decisions they never thought they would ever make. Working from home with little children banging on the door demanding fishy crackers may not exactly be what you thought going back to work would look like. The low level anxiety people are faced with everyday as the pandemic lingers on, just shouldn’t be – and yet, here we are.
Children feel stress too and are really good at letting parents/caregivers know through their behaviour. Play dates are postponed, grandma and grandpa need to stay safe and can’t help out like they use to. Parents are concerned about their children’s social and emotional development and screen time. The list goes on. Stress and anxiety are real and present for many families – all members included.
Now, I am not one for magic bullets, but that’s kind of what I’m going to share with you here. Being in nature and the benefits it creates may be as close to a magic bullet as we can get. There is an ever growing body of evidence based research pointing to the power of nature for adult’s and children’s well being.
Children 3-4 years old are recommended by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology to engage in 3 hours of physical activity spread over the course of every day. Young children need to move and challenge their bodies. Parks, gardens, beaches, forests, even the back yard are perfect spaces for children to get their move on. Children who engage in nature tend to be physically healthier because;
If you are feeling low, being in nature may give that needed boost. There is a vast body of research on how spending time in nature actually reduces stress, anxiety and depression for children and adults. Being in nature calms the brain by reducing cortisol (the stress hormone) and boosts endorphins and dopamine (happy hormones) in the body. Walking though a forest is call, shinrin-yoku, in Japanese, which literally means, “forest bathing” because of this calming effect it embodies.
Playing in nature offers children unstructured play where the possibilities are seemingly limitless to choose and design what and how to play. By engaging with their world by their own accord, children have the opportunity to make meaningful discoveries about the world promoting creativity and imagination.
Discoveries on colours, patterns and shapes found in nature make the great outdoors the perfect place to begin learning about early math concepts and language development. Research on learning outcomes for school aged children with regular access to outdoor lessons show significantly stronger reading and writing skills than for children without these nature experiences. The sights, sounds and smells of nature help calm the nervous system cultivating better focus and concentration, both key factors to learning. There are also many studies linking time spent in nature reducing ADHD symptoms. Being outside matters!
Getting outside and into nature has benefits for the entire family. Family programs held outside, such as Strong Start, offer families a special gift. These outdoor programs allow for multi-generational shared learning and exploration in an environment rich with information that promotes physical and mental well-being. So, it may not be the magic bullet – but it’s close!
Anita Olson works on the traditional, ancestral, and unceeded territory of the Coast Salish peoples for Family Services of Greater Vancouver as Burnaby’s Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC). She has been working with families and young children for well over a decade and as a parent herself recognizes the challenges, complexity and delight parenting brings. Understanding the foundational importance of infant and early childhood development, Anita shares information, strategies and practical tools with parents as they begin and continue their parental journey. Focusing on the parent/caregiver and child relationship, Anita’s work with families aims to create and preserve loving connection and curiosity. Anita holds a current ECE licence, BA and MEd from Simon Fraser University. If you would like to speak with Anita, email her at aolson@fsgv.ca or call 604-723-9548
Take Great Care,
Truly Ms. Trish
I know you will all enjoy, please join along!!
Have Fun, Happy Friday!
Love Ms. Trish
How is everyone today?
In light of our two week lockdown
we know what works now and what doesn’t.
Washing our hands well and often is So
important for ourselves and our children.
Staying in our Household bubbles and gathering
in small groups with social distancing is lifesaving!
Today I am sending some Important news from Anita.
I will also include a link on how to support our Children
through this very difficult and changing time.
We are All in this together,
Please take great care of yourselves.
Truly Love Ms. Trish
v Growing up in Canada I watched my fair share of the CBC show, The Nature of Things with David Suzuki. I loved learning about animals and ecosystems, and lucky for me, being raised on a farm in rural Saskatchewan I had access to acres of land to explore and animals to find. Times have changed and with it, technology – children spending time outside has been declining and increasing on screens. The Nature of Things is airing a documentary on November 13th called Kids vs. Screens exploring how screens affect our children’s development, learning abilities and mental health. Looks interesting!
v Giving your little ones the opportunity to explore on their own helps build independence. Go exploring with your kiddo in nature and let them do the leading – see which way they want to go, what tree they want to touch ,what stone they want to hold – when parent share power by letting their little ones make decisions about what to do, in this case exploring outside, they will likely enjoy the activity more and want to spend more time engaged.
v For more children’s activities, self-care ideas, and parent education make sure to check out The Parenting Place Blog.
A resource for families focusing on activities for children, parent education and self-care. Our goal is to help strengthen the parent child relationship & ensure children are nurtured, youth find optimism, adults feel empowered and parents make choices that build strong families. medium.com |
Tips to Support Children
Welcome back,
Hope you enjoy the story and songs.
Hope you sang with me today!
Be kind, Be calm, Be safe
Love Ms. Trish
As we are All together in our Hearts with
Gratitude for those who have gone before us
to bring the freedoms we live today, share and
listen to each other what Peace means to you❤️
Thank-you for joining me today.
Take great care,
Truly Ms. Trish
Welcome back everyone!
I have a a couple of stories for you
today and some songs and rhymes.
Please join me with your Child!
I wonder what color is your House?
Do you know what it is made of?
I hope you enjoyed the books and songs today!
See you all next time!
Please register so we can be together again soon!
Truly Ms. Trish XO
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