Dear Families,

This week, we began a career research project.  Students have chosen a job or career they are interested in learning more about.  We will continue to work on this project over the next 2 weeks. As a part of this project, students are challenged to find a person working in their field of interest and find a way to interview them (phone, email, or Zoom/Facetime) to learn more about the benefits and challenges of their work.  Please ask your child about this project and, if necessary, help them to connect with someone to interview.  I am also happy to connect the students with an interviewee if I’m able!

The subcategories for their research are:

  • I am interested in this career because…
  • Education and Training
  • Job Duties
  • History
  • Income
  • Interesting Facts
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Special Career Traits
  • Vocabulary

Some suggested interview questions are:

  1. Why are you passionate about your job/ role?
  2. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?
  3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?
  4. What parts of your job make you motivated to work and perform your best in this job/role?
  5. What skills besides education do you think are required for this job?

Thanks for your support with this project!

-Mrs. Millar