The Golden Gorillas

Adventures in Division 2

Wonders of Egypt Projects

Click here to view our Wonders of Egypt projects!

Our critical question was “Which of the inventions or products nominated by other members of the class is the most impressive legacy of Ancient Egypt?”

As part of an extended set of lessons,  students researched one of the scientific, cultural, artistic, religious, or architectural creations of Ancient Egypt.  Each student or team prepared a museum exhibit on the history, purpose/function and features of their choice.

We hosted other classes visiting our museum. We created criteria to determine what would make an invention “impressive”.  The class decided on:

  • lasting impact
  • complexity
  • significance to Ancient Egypt
  • creative use of resources

Then, each group presented its case to the rest of the class, and students voted on the most impressive creation.


First place:  Engineering/ building techniques by Sebastian and Alex

Second Place: Pyramids of Giza by Gus

Third Place:  Laws by Mikko


Congrats to all!

SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Today we went on the first field trip in nearly 2 years!

We caught the 144 SFU bus just after attendance.  We certainly lucked out with the weather; it was a beautiful, crisp day! After a short bus ride, we arrived at the museum.  We were greeted by Mr. Rondeau and Veronica who talked to us about the museum and some of the artifacts there.  We were especially interested in the Namu wall exhibit, an actual archaeological dig that has been transported to the museum.  This dig represents evidence of people living 9000 years ago in what is now BC!

Students explored the museum by completing scavenger hunt questions and choosing an artifact to draw, write observations, and make inferences about.

Mr. Rondeau ended by showing the class a new piece of technology he has just received for underwater archaeology: an ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) that can explore the depths of underwater sites!  Mr. Rondeau complimented the students on their respectful behaviour and was very impressed with their questions and observations.

We caught the bus back to school and arrived during lunchtime.  It was a wonderful day!


How we want to feel…

Yesterday, Mrs. Venos asked the students to write on sticky notes the top 2 ways they wanted to feel this year in our class.  We had a great discussion about their choices.  We continue to build a community that reflects these values and where we can all feel the way we want to feel while at school.  Thank you, Division 2!!

Our results:

Included 17

Safe  15

Respected 9

Comforted/comfortable 4

Noticed 3

Happy 3

Like I have friends 3

Challenged 2

also, Confident, Helpful, Useful, Trusted, Cared for, Like I have someone to talk to, and not alone.

Sports Day final points….

Congratulations to the Blue team who are the 2021 Sports Day Champions!  And congratulations to all the teams for their sportsmanship and great participation. Thank you to Mr. Kelsey and the committee for figuring out a way for us all to have Sports Days this year.

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