Let’s go on a scavenger hunt!

In the current situation we are all doing our best at staying healthy.  This means things we used to do with our children, like play dates or visiting grandparents, are currently not possible.  But something that is possible is going outside.  With the current weather being not ideal I know most adults would rather stay inside where it’s warm and dry.  But I am sure your children would love to go run and explore outside.  But, what can you do outside, when trying to avoid gatherings and playgrounds ??  How about going on a scavenger hunt??  I will post our first scavenger hunt picture and if you and your children enjoy it we can do more.

If you have a cellular phone you can take pictures of all the items you find.  Then you can show other members of your family who were at school or work and didn’t get to join the scavenger hunt.   This will create conversation and dialogue between the family.  I am sure your child will be proud to talk about all the things they were able to find!  Have Fun 😊

To watch Michael Rosen preform and read his book

We are going on a Bear Hunt

click here



Strong Start Update


Hi Strong Start Families,

I have had several emails asking if Strong Start is still open given the current situations.  So I wanted to let everyone know that Strong Start is open.  This means if you and your child are symptom free, you can continue to attend your scheduled session.  There has been a Covid 19 exposure in the Maywood community and I have attached the information below about it.  This email was sent out to all the families that attend Maywood School.  Please be assured that both the School and Strong Start are following very strict guidelines, and all safety protocols are in place.

School Early Notification Letter – Maywood Community School – Nov 10


Affordable Child Care Benefit

Does your child attend Preschool or Child Care?  Or are you thinking about enrolling them into one?  If so the following information may be useful to you.  In the last few weeks at Strong Start we have had many conversations about the Affordable Child Care Benefit, so I decided to write a post about it.

If you are interested in finding out additional information or want to apply online please visit the link below.


This week at Strong Start









Last week we continued to have fun painting and exploring pumpkins.  Can you find Jessie, my dog exploring her pumpkin?

This week the children at Strong Start made their own playdough.  I was amazed when I reviewed these pictures to see the face on Leito’s playdough creation.  Look closely at the first picture, the expression is so life like!

Alice carefully measured out all her ingredients and mixed it all together.  Then her and her mom created a blue whale. 🐳

The children also created and explored with the beautiful colourful leaves.  Some children sorted them and matched the types and colours of the leaves.  And others created their own leaf collages.

It has been so wonderful to be reunited with some of our Strong Start families.  The registration process is unfortunately taking a bit of time.  So if you have submitted your registration forms online and still haven’t heard from me, please understand that as soon as they get processed I will contact you to schedule your visit.  I look forward to seeing you all again soon!


Pumpkin Fun at Strong Start

Yesterday I was able to welcome the first group of families back to Strong Start.  It was so wonderful to see how much everyone has grown and to finally be physically together again.  If you have already submitted your online registration and haven’t heard from me, don’t worry- the registration process is a timely one with many registrations coming in.  As soon as I receive confirmation that your registration has been processed I will phone you to schedule your first visit.

We had fun painting pumpkins and exploring the activities at Strong Start

Some ideas to do at home with your pumpkins that may be a little less messy are

Drawing on your pumpkin

Decorating your pumpkin with playdough

Or making a geoboard with thumbtacks and elastic bands

Once you are finished exploring the outside of the pumpkin cut it open and let your child explore what’s  inside.

It was so great to see my first group of families back at Strong Start and I can’t wait to see the rest of you all soon!

Today’s recipe for Mud Pie

“This is powerful mud pie”

“Look that is an egg “

“We need lots of moss because moss is the secret ingredient!”

“These are the little grass ravioli “


“We need to add lots of water so it’s not sticky “

“Look I found mint”

“Smell it, it smells so minty, I love it!”

“Here is the garlic and bean sprouts “

“It needs more salt guys, go look for the salt “

“I found the salt flowers, we need lots of salt”

“We can’t eat it for real, ok, because it’s not healthy!”

”Its not healthy because it’s mud!”

“We need to add some milk, but not cows milk maybe we can add happy milk?”

”Look at my hand, it’s purple milk, maybe it’s grape milk”

“No that’s not purple milk, it’s tree sap”

“Our mud pie is almost done, the last thing it needs is a cherry on top”

It is great to see the collaboration of both work and ideas that go into the creation of something such as today’s Mud Pie.