If you are looking for something to keep your little ones entertained, head over to the dollar store and buy a few roles of painters tape. You will be surprised at how long it will keep your child focused and also how many ways you can explore with it.
For the younger babies, simply put some tape in various lengths on items so they can use their fine motor skills to pull the tape off.

The toddlers and preschoolers can follow lines and roads with their toys, and together you can create a little city.

If your child has lots of energy you can create a jumping game.

You can also create an obstacle course. Try to get through without getting stuck to the tape.

Or create a spider web and see what you can throw to get stuck in the web.

You can even use the tape to create shapes or letters and see what your child does with that.

I would love to see how you explore tape at your house. Please send me any pictures you would like to share
Just a reminder that ….
Burnaby Strong Start Centers will temporarily shift to virtual programming from January 10th to January 21st, to provide additional time to learn more about the potential impacts of the Omicron variant on communities and schools. On January 21st the district will reassess the spread of the Omicron variant in the community and decide if it is safe to return to in person sessions.
I will be in touch with you to share more information, but if you have any questions please email me anytime, I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully seeing you soon too