Bienvenue les amis de division 12

Month: February 2024

We have some new classmates!!

We have 2 new friends joining our class: Pierre le poisson positif and Gigi la girafe généreuse.  These 2 responsibility buddies will be on the lookout for students exhibiting great classroom behaviour.  Gigi will be looking for students that are demonstrating kind and respectful behaviour (putting up their hands, waiting their turn, sharing, listening while others speak etc.).

Pierre will be looking for students that have a positive attitude about learning (listening attentively, following directions and taking their time to do their best work).  If a student demonstrates these qualities, they may arrive at school in the morning and find one of the buddies sitting on their desk.  They will get to spend the day with the buddy.  The next day, the buddy will be off to visit another deserving student.  We are hoping that this positive behaviour reward system will encourage students to be their best selves.