Something to do Over the Holidays! by Lindsay

Something to do Over the Holidays! by Lindsay

Since this school gives us three weeks off school you won`t be doing any school work,you might forget your multiplication and division facts,how to create a bar graph ,what a reflection is,how to round off a number,and how to tell which numeral is greater or less than.So try out the website MATH FROG GAMES!   Or you could try out the website Chau suggested. ( By the way a small frog may follow your mouse)

This site is for  younger readers,but if your older you should still check it out.The games are a riot,and there are so many of them.My favorite games are Mad Lib’s and the Playground area,where you can click on a character to play a fun,easy game.How many times can you drop Big Blues little Friend in to the pool from the seesaw?It takes great hand/eye coordination and a smooth touch of the mouse.The best part is you won`t even notice that your`re learning math and reading at the same time because you`re having to much fun!

5 Replies to “Something to do Over the Holidays! by Lindsay”

  1. Over the winter break I usually drink hot chocolate with marshmallow and have huge snowball fights.But my favourite is that I go sleding down this huge hill at Brodview Park, but thanks for putting the post

    1. Your welcome Allen, during winter break I usually make snowman’s ,watch holiday movies, and read educational books from my family. I would suggest watching the movie Arthur Christmas, it is a great movie and it makes me laugh!

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