New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year division seven! It’s the start of 2016, another year in your lives to experience new things, learn new skills, improve the skills you already have, meet new people, get to know others better, try something different……… This list is endless and could go on forever. It really is up to you! Think about what YOU would like to get better at this year. What do you plan to achieve? How will you do it?
One of my goals is to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat to improve my overall health. I will start by adding less sugar to my coffee every morning and drinking less sugary drinks like juice. Afterwards, I will attempt to eat less sweets such as cookies and cupcakes so don’t be too upset if I refuse one of your birthday treats! Another resolution that I have is to learn how to play the guitar. I have an old guitar that my neighbour was throwing out and decided that I would restring it, which I did. I plan on having my son teach me how to play the basic notes and then maybe a simple song. When I get better, maybe I will take guitar lessons.

Please post one or two of your resolutions and your plans to achieve them. They can be school related or otherwise.

36 Replies to “New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. My new years resolutions for this year is to get better at bringing in my school work on time. I will accomplish this by doing it right when I get home. When I finish I will put in my back pack.

  2. My new year’s resolution is to achieve better test results like at least 99% on math tests and almost all subjects.
    I can achieve that by practicing more and studying more, especially when an upcoming test is spoken out loud.

  3. My resolution is to improve in reading out loud and cut down on ice cream and to play video games for 2 hours or less. I also want to improve on punctuation and writing.

  4. One of my goals is to clean my backpack every Friday so it is ready for Monday.
    I will achieve this goal by making a schedule and following it every week.
    If that plan doesn’t work out then I will ask my mom to remind me and help me out. Another resolution for me is to start my homework at 4:00 and finish between 4:00 and 5:00.
    My plan is to set an alarm for 4:00 and another alarm for 5:00. If that plan does not work out for me I will have to make a note as a reminder.
    To keep track I will make a chart and fill it out everyday.
    Maybe after every month that I fully completed, I will treat myself from home.

  5. My New Years resolution is to add 2 or more A’s to my report card. I want to achieve this because every A I get on my report card I get 2 dollars. I can achieve this by reading for 30-40 minutes each day just as I am doing already. A report card is very important to me because when I’m in high school or university you get noticed and then you can get a scholarship to Harvard, Yale, Oxford and many other awesome universities.

  6. My new years resolution is to start reading bigger chapter books. I will achieve this by reading 25 minutes each night. Also I will try to get more books from the library.

  7. One thing i want to achieve is to learn how to get faster at speed staking.One way i can get better is by asking my mom and dad if one of them can buy me a set of speed staking cups the other way i can achieve how to get faster is by at school i can use the class set in the class room.

  8. One of the thing i want to achieve is to learn how to play the piano one way i can achieve it is by asking my mum to sigh me up for piano lessons.And maybe when i get better i can play in the school talent show next year.

  9. My new years resolution is to do lots of chores around the house. I an going to do this by doing all my school work and normal house chores. My second New years resolution is waking up earlier. I will do this by going to sleep earlier.

  10. One of my goals this year is to not fight with my siblings. A reason why I want to prevent this from happening is because I always get in trouble and my parents get annoyed and angry. I will achieve this goal by starting to be more kind and generous to my siblings. Another idea I could do is before I get frustrated and lose my temper when I’m angry at them I will take a deep breath and count to ten. If all else fails I will just remove myself from the situation and just walk away. Sometimes I just need some alone time and going to my room is the best place to get it. Hopefully I will be able to achieve my goal this year by following my plan!

  11. My New Years resolution is to get better grades in reading, I will acheive this goal by reading 45 minutes every night and reading while I have nothing to do.
    Another one of my resolutions is to stop playing video games more then the time I’m allowed to. And do something more productive like reading or practicing division I will acheive this goal by having a timer for 30 minutes. My third goal is to get better at hockey, I will acheive this goal by using all the ice time I have well.

  12. My New Years resolution is to be less clumsy.I will do this by:
    1) getting better shoes so I don’t slip (because my old shoes don’t have good grip)
    2) I’ll be smart and won’t run on ice/black ice.
    3) I won’t run up steep hills in the Winter.(because I’ll probably slip on the snow and tumble down screaming ahhhh!)
    4)I’ll tie my shoes very often so I don’t trip on the laces and fall face first screaming ahhhh!
    5)I won’t stand on unstable ground because I might fall through screaming.

    and this is my New Years resolution

  13. My new years resolution is to play less video games. I plan to achieve more time to spend reading and playing with my brothers. I plan to do this by playing video games for only 1 hour and then take a break to read books. I will treat myself only on the weekends to play for an extra hour.

    Another new years resolution is to do better with my printing at school. I plan to achieve this by practising at home. I will practice my printing for 15 minutes each day at home.

  14. My new year resolution is to be able to do an arial which is a cart wheel without using your hands. I go to gymnastics every Wednesday and I ask my teacher if I could use the spring board and practice my arial on there. I was able to do a full one once on a mat with no spring board but I didn’t land it. I will achieve this goal by lifting my hands of the ground slowly before I run into my cart wheel. I will slowly learn to keep my hands in the air and maybe some day soon, I will be able to a full arial and land it perfectly.

  15. For my New Year resolution, I’ll try to complete level 10 in swimming by the end of 2016. I’m currently on level 5. I can achieve this by practicing two times a week instead of once after my lessons. That way, I will be better with my swimming skills and pass easier.

  16. My New Years resolution is to be more organized in class. Sometimes I lose or forget my things and I really don’t want that to happen this year. My way to achieve this goal is by packing my bag the night before. Also having a list of what I need the next day, so I don’t forget anything. I really hope my plan will work

  17. Another goal of mine is to wake up right when my alarm goes off. I set my alarm clock at 7:00 or at 7:30. Lately, I woke up right when my alarm goes off but just to turn it off, not to wake up. I could achieve this goal by asking my mom to wake me up maybe like 5 minutes later or maybe have a new alarm that plays pop music instead of having an annoying, loud beeping sound. Pop music makes me all pumped up and ready for a new fresh start. I could go on telling more and more achievements forever but I will tell you one more for now. My last (for now) achievements is to improve on my running skills. Not to brag but I think I am really fast and I have joined track and cross country but I really didn’t run much lately so I feel that I have gotten a bit slower. I will achieve this goal by maybe after school I will run around the upper field and I will try hard not to stop. In case you didn’t know, I have been asking to play man hunt or a tag game lately but it is totally fine if we don’t do it.

  18. My New Year’s Resolution is to get straight “A”s on my report card so my parents would be impress how hard I studied in school. I can achieve this by going on educational websites such as khan academy. Printing homework at home can also help me to get straight “A”s. Another resolution is to cook for my family. When I started watching “Master Chef” it made me into cooking and my dad went to a French and Italian Culinary School all the way in Granville Island, pretty far. I can achieve this by watching my mom and dad cook. Watching how chefs on “Food Network” cook is a excellent way to achieve this. Mrs.Mann I learned the guitar almost 2 years. I can teach you how to learn the guitar.

  19. One of my New Years Resolution is to become more organized and more neat, I always end up forgetting something everyday and I can never find my papers in my duotang so I plan on becoming more neat hopefully during the months and year. One of my other New Years Resolution is to minimize my time on computers, Ipad, Phones and more, I always head straight to those right after school its a habit I plan on demolishing slowly. One of my final New Years Resolution is to take piano lessons. I already know how to play Joy To The World But after that I don’t know much, So I plan on taking Lessons. it also gives you Good finger exercise and is a fun hobby to do. That’s my New Years Resolution I plan on taking on.

  20. My New Years Resolution is getting in the habit of eating less sweets. I know that those sugary products are not healthy, and they could also rot my teeth. I can achive my resolution by telling my mom not to buy sugary snacks when she goes shopping, and even if she does, I will not eat the unhealthy snacks. Thats how I will train myself into the habit of eating l But its not going to be easy, because I love sweets!

  21. My New Years resolution is to get better grades. My plan to get better grades is to hang with a better group not ones that will get me in trouble and focus harder at school and to practice my math and social studies at home. If I get a bad mark on my test I will ask Mrs. Mann for the test sheet and do it at home… My other New Year resolution is to get better at the 4 sports I want to play basketball, soccer and football. I will get better at those sports by researching it and also asking my brother and my friends to teach me the sport I REALLY need help with. That is my New Year resolution

  22. My new years resolution is working on my printing. My mom always tells me I need to print my words more neat. And I agree because sometime my printing is unreadable, my parents even make me rewrite my word some times cause they say its way to messy. Its because sometimes I just feel like I need to rush and go as fast as I can because Ill want to go talk to my friends after school and rush with writing my planner and Ill admit that is a really sloppy job. So I`m going to try my hardest to print my best and try to learn how to read and write handwriting

  23. A few of my New Year Resolutions are to get more A’s then B’s because for term one I got mostly B’s but no A’s so for term two and three I want to get a few A’s. Another thing I want to start in 2016 is eating less sweets because my sister loves baking and she always makes stuff like cookies brownies and cakes. I know I will not do perfect but I know I will try by best

  24. my new years resolution is eat less candy and my plan is to tell my mom and dad to buy less candy and more healthy food like fruits but I will still eat candy but not so much.

  25. One of my goals this is to be more organized so I don’t lose or forget any of my belongings. I will achieve this by writing down everything I have to bring home or to school in my planner, then check it off after I’m done. I will also check my backpack to see if I have forgotten anything I had to bring to school or home. My second goal is I want to improve on my math so that I can understand the basic skills better. I will achieve this by practicing my mathematics at home. I will also study the worksheets I get from school and ask for help if I’m not getting any questions.

  26. One of my goals for this year is to get involved with more class conversations. One way I am going to achieve this goal by putting up my hand more when I know the answer to a question. Another way I am going to achieve this goal is by volunteering in class, music or any other subject.

  27. My new years resolution is to sleep more by going to bed earlier. My second one is to be able to talk more in class and put up my hand more. I will try to not be shy in front of the class.

  28. Jorja, I think you should learn piano before you learn string theory. That’s because my piano teacher told me it is easier to reconize the basic notes on a piano then any other instument. So after you learn the basics notes, then it will be easier for you to understand string theory. By the way, I can also teach you the piano notes if you want me to.

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