The Great British Columbia ShakeOut

The Great British Columbia ShakeOut

ShakeOut_Global_GetReady_300x250On Thursday October 15, our school will be participating in the Great British Columbia ShakeOut. At precisely 10:15, our school, along with many others throughout the province, we will be practicing an earthquake drill. This event occurs not only in our province, but in many schools, businesses and organizations around the world. Do you know what to do if an earthquake were to happen? Is your family prepared at home? Do you have an emergency preparedness plan in your home?

Here are two places that you can go to find out more information and to test your knowledge:

8 Replies to “The Great British Columbia ShakeOut”

    1. Maya, it is a game that you play with questions about emergency preparedness. I hope you enjoy it! When I played it, I learned some new things about how to keep my house earthquake proof.

  1. I tried doing the game but it didn’t work but I watched the video on the other website it was so fascinating watching how much an earthquake can damage the world I am so happy we have not had an earthquake for a long long time.

  2. Yeah, I’m glad too, Stephanie. If there was an earthquake, I’d probably jump out of my skin!!! It’s the truth. I’m afraid of natural disasters.

  3. Well, that’s interesting, but, just as Stephanie had said, the game doesn’t work. But it’s good to be able to learn from the other website!

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