Our Earth by Florin

Our Earth by Florin

planet-earth-1Have you ever wondered where all our resources come from? They come from  the Earth. She supplies us with everything, starting from oil, to water. Everyday, we suck the natural resources out of the ground. Did you know that sooner or later, we are going to run out of some major resources in our life? Nowadays, you might have noticed that some people switched over to hybrids and electric cars instead of gas cars. One of the reasons they did that is because of the oil. The cost for oil gets higher, and higher, day by day. Why are they doing that? That, is an easy question to answer. When one of the countries that supply the oil goes to war, the price rapidly increases because they are to busy to go and dig for some. Another reason is because the amount of oil and petrolium we have is getting lower, and lower everyday. Eventually, we will hit rock bottom. What do you think will happen then? That is why we need to respect our resources instead of just spending it all without thinking. Imagine a world without cars, trains, buses, and everything that goes by oil. Everything will take longer and become harder to manage. A world without resources would be terrible.

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