Chime Time

Chime Time

I hope you enjoyed the listening activity that we did in HACE on Friday afternoon. I think there were even some of you who were able to focus so well that you were able to ‘get’ all five sounds. Remember that mindful listening will help you become better learners because you will be able to block out unwanted sounds and let the important information through to rest of your brain. Just try to picture the sugar running through the sifter! Mindful listening will also help you in your relationships with your peers and adults because you will be focussed on what they are saying and how they feel. You’ll know when to listen, when to talk and what number volume of voice is needed. Most importantly, you can train your brain and your reticular activating system through practice. I found this great chime video that you can use to help practice your mindful listening or just when you need to calm your amygdala. It is five minutes long, but you don’t need to do the whole five minutes. It would be a great goal, however, to try to work up to the whole five minutes. Maybe you could even get your family in on it! Let me know how it goes and what you think of mindful listening and training your RAS. Do you think it is helpful or worth it?

5 Replies to “Chime Time”

    1. I agree with you because when you use the chime when you are fine, it doesn’t work as well, but it may help with your attention and your breathing.

    1. Hi Dobra,

      You and Trevor will have ‘the power’ when we return to school next week. I will show you how to add polls and news announcements and review creating a post. In the meantime, you can think of what topics you might like to add as well questions for a poll.

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