Thursday was Earth Day so we worked on Earth day promises. We brainstormed about ways we could help our Earth. Some things we thought of were:
-Not littering
-Only taking what we need
-Conserving (not wasting) water
-Reusing items
-Helping Bees

We have been busy studying Bees and since we get to use the laptops every other Friday we did some bee research. We went onto ( a kid friendly search engine), watched some bee videos, and wrote some notes in our best kid spelling.

This week we started earning money! We will earn money for doing our jobs, being on task, keeping our desks clean, going above and beyond, and being kind. Next week we will learn about fines (for running /unsafe actions in school, not being on task etc.) Ms. Chatt’s class is also earning money (and fines). Through these experiences we will be learning about saving, spending, and working to earn money. I expect to see some rich students in the upcoming weeks!
Earth Week wouldn’t have been complete if we didn’t go outside to enjoy the sun as we worked.