
Last week was an exciting week! We moved into our new classroom and we are loving our new learning and playing space.  It was also kindness week! To show our friends how much we appreciate them, we brainstormed kind words to describe our friends.  We also drew a portrait of our friends.  Look at all the details and effort we put in to show our friends how much we like them!

Story Workshop

Our class has been busy having fun building stories!  Story workshop allows learners to explore, create and connect their ideas through play.  We have been using loose parts, paint, playdough and blocks to help us develop our ideas.  Our class is learning to include characters, different settings, problems and solutions in our stories.  We are all becoming great storytellers and we cannot wait to share our stories with you!

Please login to your child’s blogfolio to see their stories!

Exploring 2D and 3D Shapes

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Division 12 has been having fun exploring 2D shapes and 3D shapes! We learned that shapes have attributes like sides and pointed corners called vertices.  Some shapes are round and some are flat.  We looked for shapes in the real world, learned how to build and draw shapes and played games with shapes. We also built a 3D structure and used flashlights to sketch the shadow of our structure into a 2D drawing!




Bird Feeders and Nature Walk with Ms. Paul


Last week our class made some treats for the birds in our Parkcrest park.  Ms. Paul brought in suet mixed with seed mix and we covered our pinecones with the mixture.  We then went outside and hid the bird treats around our park for the birds to find!

During our nature walk, we found an owl pellet! Pellets are the undigested parts of a bird’s food, such as hair or bones, which are regurgitated (coughed up through the beak). We all thought that was pretty cool!

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Families!

Thank you for all your support and thoughtful gifts. We wish you all a holiday filled with warmth, love and happiness. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2022! 

Leaf Man

The story Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert is about the Leaf Man drifting around and it visited many places and saw a lot of animals.  We don’t know where the Leaf Man is going because it goes where the wind blows.  After reading the story, we created our own Leaf Man.  As the children were building, we heard some interesting stories of where their Leaf Man has gone and what they have seen! A few leaf men went to the beach, some went to Parkcrest school, one went to the states and another one went to a pond.  These leaf men can be anywhere!  Look around next time when the wind is blowing.  You might see a Leaf Man drifting by.