Terry Fox

Terry Fox is a symbol of hope in Canadian history. Through books and discussion, Division 12 learned who Terry Fox was, why he did his Marathon of Hope, and why we do a Terry Fox Run every year at school.



Welcome to Division 12!

We had a wonderful start to the school year!  September was full of school events. In our classroom, we read stories and played games. We are learning how to write our names “the kindergarten way,” starting with an upper case letter followed by lower case letters.  We are learning routines and school procedures, and most importantly, we are having fun!

We are Engineers

Division 11 had so much fun thinking, creating and solving problems with one another! The Applied design, skills and technologies (ADST) curriculum encourages children to think, design and build.  We explored with simple tools and technologies that can help us with our ideas and extend our capabilities. We were able to develop our skills through play and teamwork.   

Bee Bots – program the little robot to move in many directions  (a pre-cursor to coding)

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Weaving – choose a tool and material, and make a product (wall art) through the modelling of others


Keva Blocks – create a structure by stacking wood planks using no glue or connectors


Dominoes – build a domino race track and watch them go tumbling down


Snap Circuits – build a variety of circuits that do something like turn on a light or run a fan


Boxitects – create extraordinary things out of ordinary cardboard


Coding Safari – learn the fundamentals of coding through this animal themed logic game







Jump Rope for Heart


Thank you Division 11 for participating in Jump Rope for Heart this year! Our school discovered fun ways to get active and learned about helping others while raising money to beat heart disease and stroke. A very special thank you to Division 3 for organizing this year’s Jump Rope for Heart program!


Light and Sound

Division 11 have been learning about light and sound. We learned what makes light and how sounds are made.  The kids all demonstrated a sense of wonder as we explored with different materials and activities!

What happens when light shines on things?

We learned that transparent objects allow all or most light to pass through them; translucent objects allow some light to pass through them; opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them; and some objects reflect light


What makes a shadow?

We learned shadows are made by blocking light.  A shadow is created when an opaque object is placed in front of a light source and stops the light from passing through.


How does light make a rainbow?

Rainbows are made when sunlight shines through the water. As a result, light reflects off the water droplets, bends and splits. When sunlight shines through the water droplets, it splits into seven colours.


How are sounds made?

Sound is made up of vibrations, or sound waves, that we can hear. These sound waves are formed by objects vibrating or shaking back and forth.

Measuring A Classmate

We have been measuring some fun things around our classroom and outside in nature! We have been exploring different size units. We used paper clips, erasers, marker lids, crayons, and Lego to measure smaller items such as school supplies and leaves. We used markers, plastic sticks, and even clipboards to measure larger/longer/wider/taller items! Grade one students are learning how to use a ruler with standard units (e.g., centimetres).

Below was a fun lesson where we measured how tall one of our classmates is. We chose many different units!



Connection: Ask your child to show you some of their measurement skills. What are some things around the house that you can measure together? What unit would you use to measure those items?