Fall Leaves

Our Fall inquiry started with many wonders.  We wonder:

“Why do they (leaves) change from green?”

“Do leaves change every season?”

“Why do the leaves fall down?”

“Why do the leaves change colour?”

“How does it get colder?”

“Why are the leaves red?”

On our nature walk we explored around Parkcrest Park and looked for different kinds of leaves.  We sorted them into Fall colours (brown, yellow, red, orange) and green and then tried rubbing leaves on paper to see if they leave a colour.  We were pretty amazed to see nature colours on our paper!

We worked as a team and sorted leaves into different sizes- small, medium, big, biggest.

As scientists, we investigated why leaves change colours in the fall. First, we made some guesses.

“The weather is cold.”

“We have less sun.”

“It rains a lot.”

Then, we sorted the fall leaves by colour, ripped the leaves into bits and covered it with rubbing alcohol. We put coffee filters into the leaf and rubbing alcohol mixture and allowed it to sit long enough to absorb the liquid. As the liquid travels up the coffee filter it separates all the colors that were inside the leaf.

We learned that during fall, the days get shorter so the leaves don’t get enough sunlight and the green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves.  As the green fades away, we begin to see yellow, orange, red and/or brown colours. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along!

Symmetrical drawings of our leaves

Parts of a Leaf

Our Leaf People

The Leaf Man goes where the wind blows…


Our Leaf People flew to a lot of places and saw many things.  Some flew to a pumpkin patch, some went to a forest, one went to a big city, a couple went to a farm and a few flew home.   Please ask your child to tell you their Leaf Man story 🙂

Story Workshop- Pumpkin Patch


Story workshop allows learners to explore, create and connect their ideas through play. A variety of materials like loose parts, paint, playdough or blocks can be used to help children develop their ideas.

This week, we used loose parts to retell our pumpkin patch field trip with a friend.  Look at the story with your child and ask them to tell you more about it! Enjoy their pumpkin patch stories!








Jump Rope for Heart event

In early May, our grade 6 & 7 leadership students led a variety of Jump Rope activities.

We had a lot of fun trying out different types of jumps and tricks with our skipping ropes during our division Jump Event date. For many kindergartners, this was their first time attempting to jump rope. We set small goals for ourselves, and when the skipping was too difficult, it was okay to do some simple jumps. We also set our team goal of having fun, safe exercise, and jumping for healthy hearts!

The goal was to fundraise for Jump Rope for Heart, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Thank you to parents and the community for your donations! We have met our school goal and we will soon get a double recess!


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Our little city planners and builders have been learning about important community helpers and services that make up a community.  We took the information we learned and built five different communities. Each group brainstormed what their community needed, collected materials, built it and then they named their community (Ultimate Sand City, Racing Town, Towerson Town, Sugar Dot City, Sparkling Sprinkle Neighborhood Town). They all put in a lot of effort into building their town/city together.  Keep up the great teamwork, Division 12!


Forest Animal Habitats


Our class ended our Winter theme unit by building homes for some of our forest animals.  Each group chose their animal(s), gathered materials and then built the home together.  We were so impressed with how everyone worked collaboratively and helped each other out! Great teamwork, Division 12!

Exploring 2D and 3D Shapes

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Division 12 has been having fun exploring 2D shapes and 3D shapes! We learned that shapes have attributes like sides and pointed corners called vertices.  Some shapes are round and some are flat.  We looked for shapes in the real world, learned how to build and draw shapes and played games with shapes. We also built a 3D structure and used flashlights to sketch the shadow of our structure into a 2D drawing!




Bug Community


Our class has been learning about important community helpers and services that make up a community.  We took the information we learned and built five different communities for some lucky bugs! Each group brainstormed what their community needed, collected materials, built it and then they named their community.  These lucky bugs can choose to live in Bugland, Bug Town, Bug City, Winch Street Town or Fun Town!

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their community!