Remembrance Day

In class we talked about the importance of Remembrance Day.  It is a day to honour soldiers, veterans and families who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.  Our school had an in-person assembly on Thursday. There were many thoughtful presentations and all the children were very respectful during the Remembrance Day assembly.  Division 11 recited the poem “Poppy Poppy” with Division 12 in front of the whole Parkcrest community.
Each class made a wreath for the wreath laying ceremony at the assembly.
We talk about why the poppy became a symbol for Remembrance Day and we made our own representations of poppies.  Here is an invitation to create poppies with loose parts:

We painted poppies on our hands

We also read “The Peace Book” by Todd Parr and talked about what peace means to us.




Halloween Art

our painted jack-o-lanterns


We had a fun day celebrating Halloween! In class, we created a Halloween class book (with photos of us in our costumes), played some Halloween Math dice games, drew a spooky picture, and measured ourselves with the pumpkin ruler! In the afternoon, we did a Halloween dance and participated in the school-wide costume parade, where we made a super long train and walked through the school. We also looked at all the amazing jack-o-lanterns created by students and their families! The sun made it out just in time for our afternoon parade.


We had many fa-BOO-lous visitors in our classroom that day! We had princesses, unicorns, witches, black cats, a police officer, a fireman, many superheroes, a Hello Kitty, some EXPO whiteboard markers, and even a Hot Dog visit our classroom… But where were the teachers and the students?

Boo! Happy Halloween!


Pumpkin Patch


We had an amazing experience visiting the Aldor Acres Pumpkin Patch in Langley!  It was a wet day, but that didn’t stop us from having fun!  For some of the students, it was their very first pumpkin patch experience.

We hopped onto a tractor-pulled wagon and headed over to the field to pick our pumpkins to take home!

The children were so excited to see and touch the animals. We saw so many – sheep, horses, piglets, chicks, bunnies, goats, llamas, donkeys, chickens, puppies, a giant cow and more!

At the end of the school day, we had a sharing circle and each student shared their favorite part of the trip!

Here are a few things that were said:

“I love playing in the hay pile!”

“I liked looking for my pumpkin!”

“Big Bob the cow was so big!”

“petting the rabbits!”

“the bus ride”

“petting the pigs and puppies”

If you ask your child to tell you what their favourite moment was, feel free to share their answer in the comments!

A big Thank You to our parent volunteers who were able to come and supervise groups of students. Thank you for helping out! Also, thanks to Ms. Gourlay for organizing and booking this trip!

Beecher Park Fun

Thank you to our PAC parents for organizing Parkcrest Fun Day on Wednesday!

The sun came out and we enjoyed a beautiful walk through the luscious forest of the Andrew-Leong Green trail. Students saw salmonberries, many plants and wildflowers, and walked along the creek.

At Beecher Park, there was lots of time to play and relax!


Barnet Marine Park

It was a beautiful day at Barnet Marine Park and all the kids had so much fun!  In the classroom, we have been learning about a few ocean animals (sea star, jellyfish, shark, orca whale), so this field trip was a great opportunity for them to explore more about marine life in our local environment.  What a great experience to see so many sea stars (starfish) under the dock and flipping rocks to look for crabs!

Thank you to all parents who volunteered to drive and supervise students, and families who came to join us!  We hope you all had a great time at the beach!

Jump Rope for Heart event

In early May, our grade 6 & 7 leadership students led a variety of Jump Rope activities.

We had a lot of fun trying out different types of jumps and tricks with our skipping ropes during our division Jump Event date. For many kindergartners, this was their first time attempting to jump rope. We set small goals for ourselves, and when the skipping was too difficult, it was okay to do some simple jumps. We also set our team goal of having fun, safe exercise, and jumping for healthy hearts!

The goal was to fundraise for Jump Rope for Heart, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Thank you to parents and the community for your donations! We have met our school goal and we will soon get a double recess!


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Our little city planners and builders have been learning about important community helpers and services that make up a community.  We took the information we learned and built five different communities. Each group brainstormed what their community needed, collected materials, built it and then they named their community (Ultimate Sand City, Racing Town, Towerson Town, Sugar Dot City, Sparkling Sprinkle Neighborhood Town). They all put in a lot of effort into building their town/city together.  Keep up the great teamwork, Division 12!