Category: Art
In response to the book Ms. Lai read to the class, Share Your Rainbow, we created our own rainbows with crepe paper and used cotton for the clouds. The future is looking bright with these rainbows!
Shadow Art
We took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent the afternoon drawing and painting with light and shadow!
Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their shadow art!
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry blossoms are such a welcome sign of Spring. We are so fortunte to have beautiful white and pink cherry blossoms outside our school! Last week, we went outside and studied these trees.
We decided to paint some cherry trees. First, we painted a dark blackground. We used black and white with shades of gray. Next, we painted the wider tree trunks with thin tree branches. Finally, we used cotton swabs to create different colored cherry blossoms.
Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their work of art!
Lunar New Year Lanterns
Making Snow!
Since it did not snow as expected, we decided to make our own snow in the classroom!
We used shaving cream and white liquid glue. The students used their fingers to make snowballs and then they each made a snowman!
Be You!
Inspired by Peter Reynolds’ book, Be You!, we celebrated the importance of being unique and true to yourself. In our class discussion, there were some statements that stood out more than others. Many students liked, “Be your own thinker!” “Be okay reaching out for help,” is one that many of us adults have a hard time with. We also really liked, “Be connected,” and “Be kind,” and some students thought they were good statements in a pandemic.
We shared the connections we made to some of these statements.
“I felt brave when I jumped off a diving board into a pool.”
“I was being curious when I went for a nature walk.”
“My mom was patient when she was waiting a looooong time for me.”
Please login to your child’s blogfolio to view their response to this book. Students were asked to choose a statement that stood out for them.