Remembrance Day

our class wreath
class wreath

In discussions about Remembrance Day, we talked about what peace means to each of us. We talked about how lucky we are to live in a country such as Canada. Students were asked to reflect on what they are grateful for in their lives.

We had a virtual school assembly today. We stood and paused for a moment of silence to honour and remember the men and women who have served and continue to serve Canada in times of conflict and peace.

During the assembly, two of our students brought our class wreath to the gym, as part of the wreath ceremony. We created our poppies by stamping red paint with a heart shaped sponge, and then adding buttons!

wreath laying ceremony
virtual assembly
all the divisions
wreaths by all the classes

Nature Self-portrait


Whether it’s leaves for hair, acorns and chestnuts for eyes or even sticks to make our lips, we had so much fun creating our very own nature self-portrait. This activity encouraged us to practice our planning skills, gave us an opportunity to experiment with textures, shapes and colours, and allowed us to be creative!

Please login to your child’s blogfolio to see their nature self-portrait! 

Nature Art


We have been busy collecting natural materials from our Parkcrest forest to make nature art! Our class made pinecone mobiles, nature mandalas (a circular art form that is made using different objects and natural materials) and bugs.  As summer is just around the corner, we encourage all of you to continue to collect and create nature art!


In response to the book Ms. Lai read to the class, Share Your Rainbow, we created our own rainbows with crepe paper and used cotton for the clouds. The future is looking bright with these rainbows!


Shadow Art

We took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent the afternoon drawing and painting with light and shadow!

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their shadow art!

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms are such a welcome sign of Spring. We are so fortunte to have beautiful white and pink cherry blossoms outside our school!  Last week, we went outside and studied these trees.

We decided to paint some cherry trees. First, we painted a dark blackground. We used black and white with shades of gray. Next, we painted the wider tree trunks with thin tree branches. Finally, we used cotton swabs to create different colored cherry blossoms.

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their work of art!



Here is what our hallway bulletin looks like: