Leaf Man

The story Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert is about the Leaf Man drifting around and it visited many places and saw a lot of animals.  We don’t know where the Leaf Man is going because it goes where the wind blows.  After reading the story, we created our own Leaf Man.  As the children were building, we heard some interesting stories of where their Leaf Man has gone and what they have seen! A few leaf men went to the beach, some went to Parkcrest school, one went to the states and another one went to a pond.  These leaf men can be anywhere!  Look around next time when the wind is blowing.  You might see a Leaf Man drifting by.


Nature Self-portrait


Whether it’s leaves for hair, acorns and chestnuts for eyes or even sticks to make our lips, we had so much fun creating our very own nature self-portrait. This activity encouraged us to practice our planning skills, gave us an opportunity to experiment with textures, shapes and colours, and allowed us to be creative!

Please login to your child’s blogfolio to see their nature self-portrait! 

Thanksgiving Stories


Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving long weekend! Our class had so many stories to share with each other and their teachers.  We used loose parts such as gems, rocks, sticks, wooden pegs etc. to build our story.  We took pictures of their stories and then they each told us their stories orally.  Our storytellers cannot wait to share their stories with you!   

Please login to your child’s blogfolio to see the story they built and ask them to tell you about their story! 


Nature Art


We have been busy collecting natural materials from our Parkcrest forest to make nature art! Our class made pinecone mobiles, nature mandalas (a circular art form that is made using different objects and natural materials) and bugs.  As summer is just around the corner, we encourage all of you to continue to collect and create nature art!

Bug Community


Our class has been learning about important community helpers and services that make up a community.  We took the information we learned and built five different communities for some lucky bugs! Each group brainstormed what their community needed, collected materials, built it and then they named their community.  These lucky bugs can choose to live in Bugland, Bug Town, Bug City, Winch Street Town or Fun Town!

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their community!

I Am From


In one of our lessons in Indigenous Cultural Enhancement with Ms. Ditta Cross, she taught us the importance of exploring one’s own identity.  She shared an artifact that showed her connection to her family, her traditional territory and her ancestors.  She also shared a story about her artifact and how it connects her to her family.  Ms. Ditta Cross encouraged our class to write a poem that will tell others more about ourselves.

Our class brainstormed objects that are special to us, our favourite food, a tradition that we like to do or celebrate and something special people say to us. We then created our own poem and painted a background with our favourite colours.

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio and enjoy reading their poem!