Nature Art


We have been busy collecting natural materials from our Parkcrest forest to make nature art! Our class made pinecone mobiles, nature mandalas (a circular art form that is made using different objects and natural materials) and bugs.  As summer is just around the corner, we encourage all of you to continue to collect and create nature art!

Bug Community


Our class has been learning about important community helpers and services that make up a community.  We took the information we learned and built five different communities for some lucky bugs! Each group brainstormed what their community needed, collected materials, built it and then they named their community.  These lucky bugs can choose to live in Bugland, Bug Town, Bug City, Winch Street Town or Fun Town!

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their community!

I Am From


In one of our lessons in Indigenous Cultural Enhancement with Ms. Ditta Cross, she taught us the importance of exploring one’s own identity.  She shared an artifact that showed her connection to her family, her traditional territory and her ancestors.  She also shared a story about her artifact and how it connects her to her family.  Ms. Ditta Cross encouraged our class to write a poem that will tell others more about ourselves.

Our class brainstormed objects that are special to us, our favourite food, a tradition that we like to do or celebrate and something special people say to us. We then created our own poem and painted a background with our favourite colours.

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio and enjoy reading their poem!

Shadow Art

We took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent the afternoon drawing and painting with light and shadow!

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their shadow art!

What is your Rainbow?

Share Your Rainbow is a book inspired by children displaying rainbows on their windows to show their love and support for healthcare workers and frontline workers during the pandemic.  These rainbows represent caring for one another and our hopes for the future.  With the virus restrictions and the hope to stay safe and well, it means we can’t gather with our friends and family, celebrate milestones like we used to or travel.  With hopes in our hearts, we built our rainbow with loose parts.  In our collection of rainbows, you’ll see friends playing in each other’s homes, going on a vacation with family, going on an Easter egg hunt, petting dogs and sharing ice cream with friends.  What is your rainbow?

Please log in to your child’s Blogfolio to see their rainbow!


Easter Fun


Division 10 had a busy day decorating eggs with natural materials and gems and making mandalas with Spring flowers and leaves! We also had an Easter Egg Hunt organized by the PAC.  It was definitely a fun filled day! Hope everyone had a great Easter long weekend!