What Animals Do in the Winter?


Our class learned animals make behavioural and physical changes to survive in the winter.  Some animals sleep through the winter by finding a cozy place to hibernate; some animals migrate to warm places; and some animals adapt to the climate by growing thicker fur and changing colours.



We created a class diorama.




Animal Research Project

 Each table group chose their animal (bears, snakes, monarch butterflies, arctic wolves, and beavers) and we looked at books to help us find information about our animal.  We then shared the information to the class.  Please ask your child to share some information about their animal with you.




Arctic Animals Art




We went on a nature walk to look for holes animals could live in.  Here are some of our predictions:

“A hole! I think a spider lives here.  I see spider webs. “

“I think an owl lives in that hole.”

“A squirrel’s home.”

“A bird is in the hole.”

“Maybe this hole goes to that hole. Animals can go out there.”

“A worm! I see a worm!”