All About Plants

Our kindergarten class has recently been learning about plants. We have been learning all about the different parts of a plant, how they grow, and the importance of plants in our world.  We had such wonderful time exploring and discovering the wonders of nature!

We can plant flowers!

We can draw flowers!

We can make an observational drawing and make predictions!

We can examine different seeds and match the seed to their fruit/vegetable!

We can take care of our plants!

We can tell you the life cycle of a plant!

We can tell you the name of plant parts!


Division 10, 11 and 12 have been learning about quails! We learned baby quails are called chicks.  We also learned about the basic features of quails and their life cycle.

Fun fact: In the wild, the female quail lays the eggs and the male bird sits on them to keep them warm.







We named the chicks Rose, Blossom, Tulip, Sunflower, Petals and Daisy.

Exploring Measurement

We have been measuring objects using non-standard units (e.g. blocks, shapes, paper clips) to help us understand measurement concepts such as length, height and capacity.

Scavenger hunt- We had to find objects that are exactly or to the closest number of hearts.


We compared the lengths of objects and then we ordered them from shortest to longest or longest to shortest.


We Measured things found in nature with our heart rulers.


We measured how wide the trees are with Kindergarten kids!

Signs of Spring

We kicked off our spring nature walk by looking for signs of spring in our Parkcrest Forest.


In Story Workshop, we built a spring scene and then we wrote about what we can see, hear, smell and touch in spring.


Art inspired by the cherry blossom trees in our park.


Division 12 had a busy month learning, playing and exploring! Here’s a little glimpse of what we did in February…

Reading in the Dark


Over and under the Snow- In Story Workshop, we created our own Over and Under the Snow stories.  Please ask your child to tell you their story.


We went on a nature walk to look for homes animals could hibernate in during the winter.


We made birdfeeders for animals that adapt to the weather in the winter.


We went to our forest to look for animal tracks.


Valentine’s Day Fun!


“I Am From”- we each wrote a poem about things, places and words that are important to us. Some of us shared our poem to the Parkcrest community at our Celebration of Learning assembly.

Dazzling December

Dear Families,

We enjoyed the amazing performances at last week’s Winter Concert! It was wonderful to see so many families join us for this event. The kindergartners did a fabulous job singing and dancing with instruments! And thanks to Ms. Vaesen for coordinating everything.

We had a fun few weeks of Christmas events, songs, stories, and art projects. From Twin Day to PJ Day, door decorating, ornament-making, and Santa visiting our classroom after pancake breakfast, we have not had a dull moment! We hope you enjoyed your Christmas presents from the children.

Happy Holidays to you and your family! Wishing you and your family a restful and joyous season. We will see you in the New Year on January 8th!