Here are some Photos of our learning this week!

Planting Green Beans & Plant Journals

This week we painted our pots and planted our green beans. We also worked on our Plant Journal to learn how to label parts of a plant, and what they need to survive.


On Tuesday we talked about how to become better writers. On the board we have examples of how to add extra details to our writing and our pictures. After they wrote their journal, they wrote what number their Journal looked like. Next time we write Journals, we will focus on how to improve our writing even more.

Money Math

We did a money Scavenger Hunt on Friday. We found different coins around the room, and counted by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to find the correct amount. The Grade 1’s worked together and had lots of fun.


More Literacy Activities

We have been reading Mercy Watson Chapter Books for our Read Aloud time. The kids have really enjoyed it, and we finished our second Mercy Watson book Friday afternoon. We also learned about Fiction and Non Fiction books, and did a sort using our Scholastic Book Orders.