Here are some photos of our learning this week!

Neighbourhood Walk!

Our class and Division 15 went for a morning walk together. We looked for signs of Spring and found so many! We walked down to the Forest Trail and enjoyed some time playing at McGill Park. Lots of students said they wanted to show their families where they went over Spring Break!


This week the Grade 1’s were so excited to plant our Potatoes. We observed that our seed potatoes had sprouts on them. Each group planted their potatoes while the other groups decorated the signs that will go on the pots. We will see what they look like when we come back from Spring Break!


Phonics, Subtraction and Reflections

We took our learning outside for math this week to enjoy the sunshine. Students worked hard to show how they can subtract using a number line. We also wrote reflections to put in our Report Cards and continued to practice Vowel Teams during Phonics.

Story Workshop

On Tuesday, students chose if they would like to create a story on their own, with a partner, and if they would like to use a wordless book from the library.  We gathered together at the end so students who were ready could share their stories with the class.


Have a Wonderful Spring Break with your families 🙂