Financial Literacy

This week we continued our Financial Literacy Unit. We talked about the difference between a Want and a Need, and created posters to show our learning in a group. We also created store signs and items to sell in our shop. Next week we will take turns opening our stores and letting our classmates buy items. The Grade 1’s are very excited to do some shopping!


Story Workshop

On Tuesday, we used the Grade 6 & 7’s Diorama’s to help us create a new story. They picked what Diorama they would like to use, and started writing!


Here are some photos of the weaving Ms. Paulich has been working on during Indigenous Education.  I came back to the classroom early so the Grade 1’s could show me their creations they were very proud of.

More Fun!

Lots of students in this class love to create books during our Morning Work and Quiet Time. We are always running out of paper, and announcing new books that are arriving in our Read Aloud area. We made a special area to keep all our books organized! We also recorded our green bean plants growth in our Plant Journals. A popular Read Aloud this week was the Lorax. It is quite long, so we read it over three days. We loved all the Rhyming and Silly Words!