Hello Families,

Here are some photos of our learning this week.

Classroom Picture Calendar

Students were so excited to look at the October Pictures and brainstorm some words to describe them. Our September & October poster are hanging up in our classroom for us to look at.

Sight Words

This week during our Word Work time, we learned some different ways to practice our Sight words.

Sorting Rules

This week during Math, the Grade 1’s learned that there are different ways to Sort. As a class we looked at pictures of objects and discussed how we could sort them. We decided that we can sort by shape, colour, type, and size. Take a look at the pictures we used for our class discussion.

We also took different objects in our classroom and worked together to sort them in different ways.

Happy Diwali!

This year Diwali is on November 14th. Some students in our classroom celebrate Diwali, and we had fun learning more about it. We read a book together about Diwali on Epic, and students shared their connections they made with holidays their family celebrates. Some students who celebrate Diwali shared their knowledge. It was a great discussion!

We learned about Rangoli, which is a colourful design made on the floor near the entrance to a home to welcome guests duringĀ  Diwali. It is made with materials such as coloured rice, dry flour, coloured sand or flower petals. We watched a video of a family making a beautiful Rangoli outside their home together. We decorated our own Rangoli inspired pictures using our oil pastels.