Hello Families!

We had so much fun this week in Grade 1! Students were very excited to be back at school, and to learn that in Grade 1 they have their own desk to keep things in 🙂

I thought I would share with you some of the activities we did this week in the classroom. I encourage you to look at the pictures with your child and have them share more with you about what they did this week.

On Monday, the Grade 1’s drew a self-portrait of themselves on the first day of school. They wrote their names and took their time to colour in their picture. They were excited to fill our empty bulletin board with their work.

With all the smoke this week, we have been inside for our Body Breaks. The Grade 1’s practiced their dance moves as we did a new Koo Koo Kangaroo video each day. There were lots of laughs as we followed the silly songs!


We played a new Math Game together. This week students learned how to play Roll to 100 to practice their number sense.

The Grade 1’s brainstormed something that they hoped to learn this year. They were very creative and came up with lots of interesting ideas. Everyone also decorated their own name to hang above our Calendar to show visitors who is in our class. Our classroom is very colourful now!


Together as a class we brainstormed different ways that we can solve problems at school. We also talked about how our class is a family similar to the family they have at home. We came up with some important rules we needed to all follow to keep our classroom family safe and a happy place to be. We will put these ideas up in the classroom next week and all sign our names. They did such a fantastic job brainstorming together this week.

Here are some of the books we read together for the first week of school. What book was your favourite?


Thank you for sharing your child with me this year! I had such a fun time this week getting to know them more and seeing them become more comfortable in their new classroom. I look forward to spending more time together next week 🙂